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I have an issue changing the number format in our dataset(s). The new feature of choosing custom dividers doesn't seem to work. As we want to use the european number format I changed thousand separator to '.' and the decimal separator to ',' in the field menu of a lens. However when I save, the separators do not get saved (the format as such does).


Anyone else experiencing this, or even better knows how to change the separators?

  1. May 15, 2020, 2:46 AM

    Also, here's the easiest workaround I found, since I hate workbench.

    Select the widget

    Click "..." and Clone query

    Add the number format on the measure directly

    Save the step (you might want to give it a friendly step name first)

    Click on the widget again and detach the query

    Drag the new query on top of the widget

    (now of course your bindings are missing, but to fix that)


    Copy the new step id

    Delete the new step

    Past the new step id over the old step id

    and you should be good to go.


    @Arthur Fabre @Dylan Thom @Anirudh Sridhar Another good use case for exposing Asset XMD in the Advanced editor.