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Salesforce credentials grow your resume and highlight your skills. Prove your hands-on experience with Salesforce and get a competitive edge that leads to new opportunities.
Logo for Salesforce Certified Professional
Prod­uct and in­dus­try cre­den­tials to
val­i­date im­ple­men­ta­tion readi­ness
for Sales­force part­ners.
Logo for Salesforce Certified Professional
Sales­force As­so­ci­ate cer­ti­fi­ca­tions are
de­signed to val­i­date foun­da­tion­al
knowl­edge and un­der­stand­ing of the Cu...

Sales Professional Credentials

Logo for Salesforce Certified Professional
The Salesforce Sales Representative credential is designed for individuals who exemplify sales excellence using a customer-centric methodology. Candidates' skills span customer communication, research, discovery, team selling, value selling, and account planning and strategy.

What is a Sales Professional?

Sales professionals bring in revenue by sharing valuable product and service solutions addressing customer problems. They use research, product knowledge, and team selling to drive success. Learn more about being a Sales Professional.
Sales Professional
Do you enjoy helping customers solve their companies' challenges?

Earn your Credential

Schedule your proctored exam, onsite at a test center or online.

Credential News and Offers

Free Certification Preparation Webinar
Crush your certification goals. Get prepared with our experts.
Are your Trailhead and Webassessor accounts linked?
Link your accounts in 3 easy steps.
Complete Your Maintenance
Don't let your hard earned credentials expire. Certifications require completion of one maintenance module per year.
3 Powerful Salesforce Credential Benefits
Earning a Salesforce credential proves to you, recruiters, employers, and the world that you’ve got skills!
Advance Your Career With Salesforce Superbadges and Super Sets
Demonstrate your Salesforce skills through real-world scenarios.
Exam Candidate Code of Conduct
Review the Salesforce Certified Program Agreement and help maintain the integrity of Salesforce Credentials.

Verify a Credential

Salesforce certifications highlight deep expertise within a specific role and are a great way to identify candidates for defined jobs and projects. Verify a credential to confirm skills and experience.
Verify Now