FavoriteJeff Stevens (Cogent Companies) asked in #Lightning ExperienceSep 21, 2015, 7:16 PMProcess Builder - editingTrying to use Lightning Process Builder. Just making sure I understand - there is no way to EDIT an existing-activated process - correct? We have to clone it, and then change the clone and activate that clone?Thanks2 answersSortSort by Most HelpfulSort by Most HelpfulSort by DateAccepted AnswerWilliam Tran (TranConsulting Inc (william@tranconsultinginc.com))Sep 21, 2015, 7:29 PMYes, that is the process.ThxLoadingWrite an answer...BoldItalicUnderlineStrikethroughBulleted ListNumbered ListAdd linkCode blockInsert imageAttach filesLink URLCancelSave0/9000Reply
Accepted AnswerWilliam Tran (TranConsulting Inc (william@tranconsultinginc.com))Sep 21, 2015, 7:29 PMYes, that is the process.Thx