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I create Validation Rule to stop service contract activation if lookup field is empty or blank but it gives me opposite result and not working as required, here is the syntax , If some one experience similar rule I would appreciate your advice.  



ISCHANGED( SVMXC__Active__c))  


#Salesforce Admin

답변 7개
  1. 3월 17일 오후 3:23

    @Abdelhakim Shrief, if  Service_Contract_Key_Contacts is a child table, that means your Service_Contract_Key_Contacts__r relation goes from the parent record, towards the children related records. That cannot work this way. I guess you should rather think about a validation rule on the child, testing the Key_Contact_Phone__c field when the key contact is saved, and use the relationship in the child>parent way to test the parent contract activation status. Could you please give it a try if compliant with your requirement ? Eric
