收藏John Alston (EDH) 提问于 #Salesforce Developer2015年9月9日 17:10Redirect Users Away from Home tabIs this possible after recent lockdown of the homepage? I am being asked to redirect users to a Visuaforce page. Setting it the default as their app tab is not adequate. They should be blocked from the home tab completely. thanks!7 个回答排序按最有帮助排序按最有帮助排序按日期排序已采纳的回答John Alston (EDH)2015年9月10日 19:12I have been able to reidrect users away with a version of <script type="text/javascript">window.top.location="https://c.na12.visual.force.com/apex/SaleshomeVF"</script> 加载更多评论...撰写回答...粗体斜体下划线删除线项目符号列表编号列表添加链接代码块插入图像附加文件链接 URL取消保存0/9000回复
已采纳的回答John Alston (EDH)2015年9月10日 19:12I have been able to reidrect users away with a version of <script type="text/javascript">window.top.location="https://c.na12.visual.force.com/apex/SaleshomeVF"</script>