Hi,Please check if you have connected to same DE org where you have done your work in the trailhead.To do this click on" launch your hands on org" and select the DE org or trailhead playground where you have your work and then check challenge. ORGo to Trailhead Profile -- settings -- make the DE org which you have worked as default then check the challenge.Please refer below link how to take challenges in trailhead.https://force.desk.com/customer/portal/articles/2643793-trailhead-profile-signup-login-faq?b_id=13478Hope this helps you!Please mark it as Best Answer if my reply was helpful. It will make it available for other as the proper solution. Thanks and Regards Sandhya
3 steps are required to complete this challenge after you have installed the package install1....go to developer console File ---> open Resource --- search for quckcontact.cmp The first line is as
<aura:component controller="QuickContactController">
change to
<aura:component controller="QuickContactController" implements="force:lightningQuickAction,force:hasRecordId">
2...go to setup objectmanager click Account---------->click buttons link action---> new action as shown below
3 Add the above to the pagelayout as shown follow step 1 2 3....as shown on below image
some days ago i also faced the same issue on my website nifniss.pt. it cannot be solved yet. but now by watching your post, i think it will easily resolved , thank you
It seems like you've followed the steps correctly, but sometimes errors can still occur. Here are a few things you can check:
1. Make sure the Lightning component is properly saved and deployed.
2. Check if there are any typos in the component name or action name.
3. Verify if the component is accessible to your profile.
4. Ensure that the Lightning component is included in the package version that you installed.
5. Check the debug logs or browser console for any specific error messages that might provide more insight into the issue.
If everything seems correct and the issue persists, you might want to reach out to Salesforce support for further assistance.
Hey Travis, Just wanted to say thank you for posting this question.
I'm working through the same challenge now, but I was overlooking the first snippets of code to add the appropriate interfaces.When I looked through your question, especially the screenshots, it helped me see what I was missing. (Kind of obvious, I was just moving too fast I think!).Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for posting, and to let you know your question helped me with a question I had too.Thank you!
129 answers