FavoriteJohn Bono (PUSH Buffalo) asked in #Customer ServiceJul 25, 2020, 7:48 PMWhat are the eye icons that appear in records?See the attached image for an example of the eye icon. Here it is next to Stage History. 9 answersSortSort by Most HelpfulSort by Most HelpfulSort by DateAccepted AnswerJodie Miners (The Detail Department | Salesforce MVP HoF | Salesforce Indicators)Oct 19, 2022, 7:39 AMI had this question many years ago, and here is the answer https://twitter.com/jodiem/status/1192263112436539394LoadingWrite an answer...BoldItalicUnderlineStrikethroughBulleted ListNumbered ListAdd linkCode blockInsert imageAttach filesLink URLCancelSave0/9000Reply
Accepted AnswerJodie Miners (The Detail Department | Salesforce MVP HoF | Salesforce Indicators)Oct 19, 2022, 7:39 AMI had this question many years ago, and here is the answer https://twitter.com/jodiem/status/1192263112436539394