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Uttpal Chandra perguntou em #Apex
Hi all,

I am sending email to the user using schedualable class and  Batch class on every monday.

What i want to do is i want track the email that has been sent to the user?

Anyone know how to do it.
2 respostas
  1. 5 de jul. de 2019, 05:43
    Hi Uttpal,

    Please follow given below steps and link with the help of below steps and link you can solve your problem, it may be helpful to you. 

    Lightning Experience organizations must enable Enhanced Email.

    1. From Setup, enter Activity Settings in the Quick Find box, then select Activity Settings.

    2. Select Enable Email Tracking.

    3. Click Submit.

    Track outbound emails sent by each user in Salesforce :

    Description: Here's how to create a report that will show all of the outbound emails sent by users in your Salesforce Org.

    1. Click Setup.

        -Salesforce Classic: select Customize | Activities | Task Fields | Type

        -Salesforce Lightning: select Object Manager | Task | Fields & Relationships | Type

    2. Click New and create a new picklist value labeled Outbound Email

    3. Edit the Outbound Email picklist value and select the Send Email: Make this value the default for sending an email check box.

    4. Navigate to Reports, then click Create New Custom Report 

    5. Select the Activities category, select the Tasks and Events Report Type, then click Create.

    6. Apply any needed filters, and include the following field filter: Activity Type equals Outbound Email

    7. Run the report and Save it to a report folder.

    For more information please follow the below link :

    I hope you find the above solution helpful. If it does, please mark as Best Answer to help others too.

    Thanks and Regards,

    Deepali Kulshrestha 
  2. 4 de jul. de 2019, 12:15
    Hi Uttpal,

    Greetings to you!

    For tracking Email you have to enable its setting by following the below steps:

    Lightning Experience organizations must enable Enhanced Email.

    1. From Setup, enter Activity Settings in the Quick Find box, then select Activity Settings.
    2. Select Enable Email Tracking.
    3. Click Submit.

    Make sure you use setSaveAsActivity(true) or by default its True if you don’t define this.

    In Lightning Experience, reps see tracking info right in the activity timeline, and—if they aren’t using Einstein Activity Capture—in the HTML Email Status report. Salesforce Classic users see the indicators in a report or in a related list. This feature applies to all emails sent through Salesforce; it can’t be turned off for individual emails or customers.

    Please refer to the below links which might help you further with the above requirement.

    I hope it helps you.

    Kindly let me know if it helps you and close your query by marking it as solved so that it can help others in the future. It will help to keep this community clean.

    Thanks and Regards,

    Khan Anas