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Meet Nonprofit Cloud Case Management

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Explain how Nonprofit Cloud Case Management can support your work with clients and track their progress.
  • Describe data security basics for Nonprofit Cloud Case Management.

Salesforce offers Salesforce for Nonprofits, which includes both integrated platform solutions and managed packages.

This module provides information about Nonprofit Cloud Case Management, a managed package solution.

For information about platform solutions, see the Manage Programs with Nonprofit Cloud trail.

If you’re not sure which product your organization uses, check with your Salesforce administrator.

A Tool Specifically for Case Managers

Case managers at human service organizations have tough jobs. From figuring out how to manage large caseloads to building trust with clients and helping them reach their goals, case managers are real-life superheroes in our communities.

In this module, we cover Nonprofit Cloud Case Management, a Salesforce managed package that helps case managers (and their organizations) streamline workflows and keep client needs front and center.

Let’s start with the basics about what Nonprofit Cloud Case Management is (we call it Case Management throughout this module), what it can do for you and your organization, and some important considerations about data security.  

No More Homelessness (NMH) Case Manager Rosa Sanchez meets with client Tim Hill in her office.

What Is Nonprofit Cloud Case Management?

Case Management is a managed package that includes custom objects and tools designed to help human service organizations provide high-quality, hands-on service. It includes an app that gives you everything needed to track intakes, referrals, clients, client notes, case plans, and assessments. It helps case managers spend more time doing what they do best: helping people.

Case Management is built on top of Program Management Module (PMM), a managed package that allows organizations to track program engagements, service deliveries, service schedules, attendance, and more data about clients, volunteers, and cohorts. (You can learn more about PMM in the Trailhead badge linked in the Resources section.) Together, the two apps provide a full suite of tools designed to help human service organizations do their best work.

Case Management also works well with Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP). We recommend using NPSP to make the most of features included in that managed package (like household accounts and relationship management), but NPSP is not required in order to use Case Management.

One point of clarification: Case Management uses the Salesforce standard Case object for things like incidents and referrals, but uses case records differently from Salesforce Service Cloud. Think of using Service Cloud features for quickly resolved cases like a helpline for crisis response, and Case Management features for long-term human service cases with case plans and assessments.

If you don’t have Case Management and would like to learn more, talk with your Salesforce admin, account executive, or a Salesforce certified consulting partner about adding it to your org.


You may call the people you serve clients, users, participants, beneficiaries, members, or something more specific. In Case Management, we refer to the people you serve as clients, the most common term at the social services organizations we work with.

Data Sharing and Security

Data security is critically important for human service organizations and case managers who are entrusted with sensitive client information. 

Fortunately, Case Management is HIPAA compliant. Plus, you can contribute to data security by making sure that everyone who uses Salesforce at your organization has their own unique login. Your admin can control access to data through account roles and permission sets to make sure everyone has access only to the data they need to do their jobs.

And a heads-up for admins: Because Case Management is built on top of PMM, there are six out-of-the-box permission sets to help you make sure that only the right staff can create, edit, and view client records. There’s more detail in the Permission Sets documentation, linked in the Resources section. What’s most relevant here is that Case Management defaults to read-only access to all users who don’t own a record.

Now that you have the basics of Case Management, it’s time to show you what it can do in the next unit.


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