답변 1개
Having done this before let me throw out some tips / tricks.
- Use a dedicated user for this. Don't mix the "integration" user with a real-life user.
- Ensure your code is written to retry in the case of a 4xx/5xx error with login. Most of the good integration libraries do this for you. I know RestForce does.
- If your app is a traditional client/server approach your server pool is likely all behind a single IP, making the session tokens valid for any call established from there. If you're doing an angular/react/framework-of-the-week where these calls are originating in a users' brower you will likely encounter serious difficulty with authorization / recognition of new clients.
- if possible, queue your calls through a singleton interface to the api.
That said, your proximate question is likely mute
if you're using a traditional client-server application design, where the server is making the api calls.