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Bryan Jimenez 님이 #Apex에 질문했습니다

I am new to apex and I need a little help with an error that will not go away.


public class ClientRelationshipController {

Public List<Prospect__c> getProspects() {

List<Prospect__c> Prospects=[Select Name,Property__c,Property_Name__c,Phone__c,Mobile__c,Prospect_Score__c,Email__c

From Prospect__c

Where Created_Date__c = Today And Relationship_Lead__c != :Relationship_lead_ID__c

And RecordType__c = 'Prospect'];

return Prospects;



Thank you,

답변 1개
  1. 2016년 4월 12일 오후 11:23
    Hy Bryan.

    You did not specify the error you're getting, but I'm assuming this is related to your SOQL query. 

    Salesforce doesn't allow direct field to field comparison in SOQL query.

    You can create a formula field for this:

     Formula Name: myFormula:

    IF(Prospect__c.Relationship_lead_ID__c != Prospect__c.Relationship_Lead__c , 'true', 'false')

    Final SOQL:

    List<Prospect__c> Prospects=[Select Name,Property__c,Property_Name__c,Phone__c,Mobile__c,Prospect_Score__c,Email__c

    From Prospect__c

    Where Created_Date__c = Today And myFormula = 'true'

    And RecordType__c = 'Prospect'];
