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Sunita Phadnis (Pacificad) 님이 #Collaboration에 질문했습니다
Hello everyone,


I'm working on creating a customer community and have Case page, there is a Follow button on this page. I do know that this button cannot be removed from the page. The only way to remove tis button is to disable chatter, which we do not want to do as we want our support agent to collaborate with the customers. Also on clicking this Follow button, it  does not show the customer is following the case/record in the internal org.


My question is, what is the functionality of this Follow button. The customers will want to know what does the button do, if it is existing on the page. I do understand how Follow works in the internal org, communities is confusing me.


Please help....Thank you.


답변 2개
  1. 2016년 11월 2일 오전 5:44
    This answer may be help you 


    Chatter in Communities and Chatter in your internal org are two separate entities with a wall between them. If I understand your question this is the root of your problem.



    You'll notice, for example, that a Chatter user in the community does not exist as a chatter user in your internal org. Same with Chatter Groups.



    So if a community user is 'following' a record via chatter, that is being tracked within the Community Chatter, and will not be reflected in the internal org's Chatter.



    I would imagine that if you wanted to track your Communities' EntitySubscriptions within your internal org, you'd have to design a custom interface to show it. You couldn't rely on Chatter's interface as the community users aren't even listed in your internal org.


    Courtesy :
  2. 2016년 11월 2일 오후 3:19
    Hello Subramani,


    Thank you so much for your response, now I do understand that the chatter in communities and internal org are separate.


    I have setup Customer Community as follows-

    • The community user 'X' has a profile with Read, Create and Edit permissions on the Case object and Chatter Tab is hidden. The OWD - Default External Access for Case is private, which means that other community users cannot view Cases created by user 'X' and the other community users cannot post to the case created by user 'X'.
    • The user 'X' can view only cases where user 'X' is the contact on the case. I have defined Sharing Sets under Community settings, that way when the case is assigned to an internal org user, it can still be view by user 'X'.
    • Internal org users have not been added as members of the community. 
    • The community is not a public community, I have not checked the Public Access under Settings in Community Builder.
    • I have not setup Topics and Knowledge.
    • This is a very simple community to enable custommers to create/edit/view cases from the community and post to the case feed.

    As a result of these settings the Follow button on the Case page, will not have any fuctionality. As user 'X' does not have anyone to collaborate with in the community. Is my understanding correct.


    Thanks you again, your response was very helpful.

