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HI All,

I am using the streaming API via the node module nforce , however I would like to understand how can I know with the instance url and the access token whether it belongs to sandbox or production ?


4 件の回答
  1. 2017年11月11日 13:50
    Hi Hema,

    The instance URL gives a pretty good idea about what kind a environment it is. To begin with:

    • CS instance is always a sanbox.
    • other possible instances AP, NA, EU are alloted geographically. 

      • AP - Asia pacific
      • NA - North America
      • EU - European (EMEA)

    Alloting the instances geographically helps for faster access to the resources.

    Alternatively, you can check it with the following API call

    SELECT Id, InstanceName, IsSandbox, Name, OrganizationType FROM Organization

    Results like this:

    Hi Hema,The instance URL gives a pretty good idea about what kind a environment it is. To begin with:CS instance is always a sanbox.other possible instances AP, NA, EU are alloted geographically.

    Hope this helps.


  2. 2017年11月13日 21:13
    Hi Hema,

    If you got your answer, could you please mark  the question as solved.

    Thanks and cheers, Dev
  3. 2017年11月11日 12:24
    Hi Rajendran,

    1. Look at your URL, if you log in at it's sandbox - and will bring you to (x replaced with a number).  While your production will log in at and bring you to  

    2. Sandbox is not a stand-alone product, you need to have a Production SFDC org in order to get a Sandbox. 

    3. When you are logged into an SB it is usually indicated by a black oval with the name of your SB org in bold white letters at the top of every page.

    Hope it Helps you. Mark this answer Solved if it resolves your query.

    Regards ,

  4. 2017年11月11日 12:41
    Hi Suraj,

    Thanks for your quick response. I am using an nforce module to perform the subscription to the push topic. So, all I would have handy is the instance URL  and oauth related information and not the UI. 

    So would it be possible to determine just from the instance URL that it would be sandbox or production ?? Is it true that the sandbox instances (irrespective of the region) would always begin with cs 

    Is there any API call that I could make to find out with the information I have (instance URL and oauth) to get to know whether it is a production or sandbox environment ?

