code snippet for mapping:
I created a custom metadata record but i am not sure how to use to make the mapping dynamic in the above apex code.for(Staging_Course__c objB: [SELECT test_Field__c , test_field_1__c,name FROM Staging_Course__c WHERE Unique_Id__c IN: setUniqueId])
lstObjC.add(new Course__c( test_Field__c = objB.test_Field__c, test_field_1__c = objB.test_field_1__c , name = ));
I am not clear on the object that you are trying to accomplish? Are you attempting to use Custom Metadata Types provided within Salesforce?Is it that you have data being sent to Salesforce from an external source (via a REST Integration or a middleware) and you need to provide the ability to map the incoming field's data with a corresponding field on an object wtihin Salesforce? Do all the incoming field values map to fields on the same object or do they map to various fields across multiple objects?Are you planning to include this feature as a part of the managed package?If you just intend to store a list of source and target field mappings you can use a List type of Custom Setting to store this information. Ideally you will need to have the following fields and you can build upon this.
- Source Object - Name of the data source. Could be either a standard custom object, a JSON key.
- Source Field - Specific field on the source if applicable
- Source Datatype - Datatype of the field for type conversion
- Target Object - API Name of the target Salesforce object
- Target Field - API name of the field on the target Salesforce object
- Target Datatype - Datatype of the field for type conversion
Once you build this, you will need to leverage Dynamic DML from Dynamic Apex ( create an Sobject instance at runtime based on the mapping and then put incoming data values to the appropriate target Sobject fields. Sample code is as below and you can build on it.
public class DataMappingService{
public DataMappingService(){}
public void insertDynamic(String SobjectTypeName){
//Create the instance of the object based on the custom settings
Schema.SObjectType targetType = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(typeName);
if (targetType == null){
//throw an exception
//Dynamic instantitation of Sobject
Sobject sobjectInstance = targetType.newSObject();
//Assign source data values to the dynamic Sobject instance fields
for(String fieldName :<List of fieldnames from Custom Settings>){
sobjectInstance.put(fieldName, <Your data value>)
//Insert the data
@k2018123 can you please provide code which you already did using metadata approach hi, there I have a similar situation. I am trying to query the custom metadata where when i select the picklist I need to return the values...this I have so farpublic static List<CaseToDoListOptions__mdt> getCustumMetadata(String Type){ string Obj ='CaseToDoListOptions__mdt'; Schema.SObjectType objType = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(Obj); Schema.DescribeSObjectResult r = objType.getDescribe(); Map<String,Schema.SObjectField> fields = r.fields.getMap(); List<CaseToDoListOptions__mdt> typeSelected = [SELECT Option_Value__c, Type__c FROM CaseToDoListOptions__mdt WHERE Type__c =:Type];Can you help proceed ie: I am creating a map but i need only the list of values? how can I achieve that? Hi,I was able to do it with custom metadata . Reason i used custom metadata was entity and field definition automatically populating just like dependent picklist values.Thanks Hi,Not yet. I was thinking of using custom metadata instead of list custom settings . Not tried with list custom settings yet. Will try and uodate the post.