Access Check Failed! AttributeSet.get(): attribute 'inContextOfRecordId' of component 'markup://c:NewAccount {3:0}' is not visible to 'markup://c:NewAccount {3:0}'.
Failing descriptor: {markup://c:NewAccount}"
Hi Puja, Implement this code, I have tested this and it is working.
<aura:component implements="force:appHostable" controller="AccountController">
<aura:attribute name="newAccount" type="Account" default="{ 'sobjectType': 'Account', 'Name': '', }" access="public"/>
<aura:attribute name="AssignId" type="string" default=""/>
<aura:handler name="change" value="{!v.newAccount.Assigned_To__c}" action="{!c.GetId}"/>
<div >
<td> Name </td>
<td><force:inputField aura:id="Name" value="{!v.newAccount.Name}"/></td>
<td> Note </td><td><force:inputField aura:id="Note" value="{!v.newAccount.Description}"/></td>
<td> Categories</td><td><force:inputField aura:id="Categories" value="{!v.newAccount.Categories_del__c}"/></td>
<td>SubCategories</td><td><force:inputField aura:id="SubCategories" value="{!v.newAccount.Sub_Categories__c }"/></td>
<td>Assign to</td><td> <force:inputField aura:id="kbid" required="true" value="{!v.newAccount.Assigned_To__c}" change="{!c.GetId}" class="LkField"/></td>
<td> Billing Street </td><td><force:inputField aura:id="Street " value="{!v.newAccount.BillingStreet}"/></td>
<td> Billing City </td><td><force:inputField aura:id="City" value="{!v.newAccount.BillingCity}"/></td>
<td>Billing State </td><td><force:inputField aura:id="State" value="{!v.newAccount.BillingState}"/></td>
<td> Billing Country </td><td><force:inputField aura:id="Country" value="{!v.newAccount.BillingCountry}"/></td>
<td> Billing Postal Code</td><td><force:inputField aura:id="Postal Code" value="{!v.newAccount.BillingPostalCode}"/></td>
<td><lightning:button label="Save" onclick="{!c.createAccount}" /></td>
<--Js Controller-->
createAccount : function(component, event) {
var newAcc = component.get("v.newAccount");
var assignId=component.get("v.AssignId");
var action = component.get("c.saveAccount");
"acc": newAcc,
action.setCallback(this, function(a) {
var state = a.getState();
if (state === "SUCCESS") {
var name = a.getReturnValue();
alert("Account inserted: "+name);
var AssignId = event.getParam("value");
console.log("current value: " +AssignId);
If it helps, Please mark it as BEST Answer and mark this thread as SOLVED<!--Apex Controller-->
public class AccountController {
public static Account saveAccount (Account acc,Id aid) {
acc.Assigned_To__r = null;
acc.Assigned_To__c = aid;
insert acc;
return acc;
This may be a known issue. Please refer here ( It says there to uncheck the Debug mode in setup for lightning components.Thanks,Please mark as best answer if this solved your issue so to transfer your post to Solved Questions which in turn will help other users with same questions as well. Hi Jefferson,After 1st click on lookup filed this error arrives. If I close that error and again select the lookup then it works properly. and record get successfully save into Account.Following is the other classes :Controller: ({ createAccount : function(component, event) { var newAcc = component.get("v.newAccount"); var action = component.get("c.saveAccount"); action.setParams({ "acc": newAcc }); action.setCallback(this, function(a) { var state = a.getState(); if (state === "SUCCESS") { var name = a.getReturnValue(); alert("hello from here"+name); } }); $A.enqueueAction(action)} })Apex Controller:public with sharing class AccountController{ @AuraEnabled public static Account saveAccount (Account acc) { acc.Assigned_To__r = Null; insert acc; return acc; }} Hi there,At what point does the error message start to appear? We may have to look on your controllers and helpers too.