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Customize Rollups to Exclude an Opportunity Record Type

Check Your Rollup Fields


The instructions in this step apply to the Trailhead trial of NPSP, which may vary from how your Salesforce org is set up. Check your production and sandbox Salesforce environments to see how customizable roll ups and filter groups work at your organization. For more on customizable rollups and how they work, see the documentation links in Resources.

In NPSP, rollup fields on account, contact, general accounting unit, and recurring donation records give you a high-level understanding of charitable giving trends and totals.

Earned revenue opportunities, like the opportunity record type you created, don’t belong in those rollups. They’re something entirely different and can cause inaccuracies in your rollup fields if they are included. 

For example, check out the rollup fields for the account that just closed your first staffing services dea.

  1. In Global Search, find and select Grand Hotels & Resorts Ltd.
  2. In the quick actions area of the record, click Recalculate Rollups.

  3. The page shows a message that the rollups batch job is calculating. Give it a moment to run, then click Back to Account.

  4. Back on the account record for Grand Hotels & Resorts Ltd, click the Details tab and scroll down to the Donation Information section.


Alternatively, you can also recalculate all rollups in NPSP Settings. Find and select NPSP Settings from the App Launcher, then select Bulk Data Processes and Rollup Donations Batch. Click Run Batch on that page to calculate the rollups. When it's done, you'll see the status of the batch process for all objects.

Notice that the Last Gift Amount field displays $100,000 and the Last Gift Date field displays the date that the staffing services deal was marked Closed Won.

Intruder alert! That deal wasn’t a donation. Because the hotel company received a direct benefit for their payment, this isn’t a tax-deductible gift like it would be if the company gave a cash gift to the US-based nonprofit NMH. (Check your tax laws for regulations in your area.)

To make sure you don’t include your new opportunity record type in donation rollups—intended for only charitable giving—you need to configure rollups settings in NPSP to exclude it.

Exclude an Opportunity Record Type from NPSP Rollup Fields

It’s time to make sure that the staffing services opportunity record type isn’t counted in the donation rollup fields.

  1. Click the App Launcher (), then find and select NPSP Settings. It takes a few seconds for the page to load.
  2. Click Donations to show settings in that category, then click Customizable Rollups.
  3. Enable Customizable Rollups. It takes a few seconds for the feature to activate. (If you plan to enable customizable rollups in your production or sandbox Salesforce environments, be sure to read Things to Know Before Enabling Customizable Rollups, linked in Resources, before you click this button.)

  4. After customizable rollups are enabled and the page reloads, click Configure Customizable Rollups.
  5. A list of the customizable rollups appears on the page. Click View Filter Groups to see the filters that drive these rollups.

  6. Click the Opps: Won (HC) filter group. This filter group controls all of the NPSP hard credit rollups, or the rollups that count charitable gifts directly from an organization or individual.
  7. Click Edit.
  8. Click Add in the Filter Rules list.

  9. Select these values on the Add Filter Rules page:
    • Object: Opportunity
    • Field: Record Type ID
    • Operator: Not Equals
    • Value: Staffing Services
  1. Click Save.

  2. Click Save again on the Filter Group page.

Test Your Rollup Fields Again

With that new filter rule in place, you can check the account record again to make sure the staffing services opportunity is excluded from rollups.

  1. In Global Search, find and select Grand Hotels & Resorts Ltd.
  2. In the quick actions area of the record, click Recalculate Rollups.
  3. The page shows a message that the rollups batch job is calculating. Give it a moment to run and then click Back to Account.
  4. Back on the account record for Grand Hotels & Resorts Ltd, click the Details tab and scroll down to the Donation Information section.

The Donation Information section now displays the Last Gift Amount field with a value of $90,000.

Notice that the Last Gift Amount and Last Gift Date fields have changed to another opportunity, which means that your staffing services opportunity has successfully been excluded.

NMH now needs to check its other filter groups, too. Every time you set up a new opportunity record type, check to make sure that it doesn’t affect your rollups in a way that makes them inaccurate. For charitable giving, check that those opportunities are included. Other revenue sources need to be excluded—or included in their own rollup fields, which you could set up.

How else could NMH extend their new opportunity record type?

Build on Your New Opportunity Record Type

Salesforce, as you probably know, began as a CRM system to help for-profit sales organizations. That original sales focus put the Opportunity object at the heart of the system, and the inherent flexibility of Salesforce allows you to put opportunities to work for your organization and your process.

Here are a few ideas for how NMH can build on its new opportunity record type.

  • Create a path for the sales process and opportunity record type to keep users focused on the information they need to collect and offer them advice and reminders at each step.
  • Use Lightning App Builder to add components to the opportunity record page that help users track and access the information they need. You can specify which components show up on a particular record type by setting the component visibility to Advanced and selecting one opportunity record type.
  • Set up products, price books, and quotes for users to quickly add specific services to an opportunity, include accurate and approved pricing, track proposals, and streamline their process.
  • Build connections between this opportunity and an app like Program Management Module (PMM), which tracks information about programs, program participants, program engagements, service deliveries, and more. NMH could connect staffing services opportunities and particular program participants and program engagements in its career counseling program.

You can explore all of those ideas for your own organization using the links in Resources.

In this project, you’ve gained the foundational skills to create opportunity record types to track revenue not included in NPSP, whether it’s program registration fees, event tickets, or sales of your latest, greatest tote bag.

Good luck, and don’t forget to join the Nonprofit Hub in the Trailblazer Community to share examples and advice as you build and explore!

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