Answering this question here as well to cover better for search results.To do this you will need to create a Custom Setting that stores your credentials (called BoxCCredentials in the code below) as well as a Visualforce page that is accessible only to the administrator. This will create your access token and store it in the custom setting. <apex:page controller="BoxController" action="{!redirectOnCallback}">
<apex:outputPanel rendered="{!NOT(hasToken)}"><a href='{!authUrl}'>Login</a></apex:outputPanel>
<apex:outputPanel rendered="{!hasToken}">Already has token</apex:outputPanel>
public class BoxController {
@TestVisible private static String SETTING_NAME = 'CredentialsBox';
@TestVisible private static String ACCESS_TOKEN_URL = '';
@TestVisible private static String AUTHORIZE_URL = '';
@TestVisible private static String FOLDER_URL = '';
@TestVisible private String access_token;
@TestVisible private Boolean isCallback;
/** The JSON result from a successful oauth call */
public class OAuthResult {
/** The access token */
public String access_token {get; set;}
/** The refresh token */
public String refresh_token {get; set;}
* Validates the oauth code
* @param code The code to validate
* @param redirect_uri The URL to redirect to after successful validation
* @return The oauth result
public static OAuthResult validateCode(String code, String redirect_uri) {
String client_id = BoxCCredentials__c.getValues(SETTING_NAME).Client_Id__c;
String client_secret = BoxCCredentials__c.getValues(SETTING_NAME).Client_Secret__c;
List<String> urlParams = new List<String> {
'code=' + EncodingUtil.urlEncode(code, 'UTF-8'),
'client_id=' + EncodingUtil.urlEncode(client_id, 'UTF-8'),
'client_secret=' + EncodingUtil.urlEncode(client_secret, 'UTF-8'),
'redirect_uri=' + EncodingUtil.urlEncode(redirect_uri, 'UTF-8')
Http h = new Http();
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
req.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
req.setHeader('Accept', 'application/json');
String body = String.join(urlParams, '&');
HttpResponse res = h.send(req);
return (OAuthResult)(JSON.deserialize(res.getBody(), OAuthResult.class));
* Generic constructor
public BoxController() {
this.isCallback = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().containsKey('code');
if (BoxCCredentials__c.getValues(SETTING_NAME) != null) {
this.access_token = BoxCCredentials__c.getValues(SETTING_NAME).Access_Token__c;
* Gets the authroization URL
* @return The authorization url
public String getAuthUrl() {
Map<String, String> urlParams = new Map<String, String> {
'client_id' => BoxCCredentials__c.getValues(SETTING_NAME).Client_Id__c,
'redirect_uri' => getPageUrl(),
'response_type' => 'code'
PageReference ref = new PageReference(AUTHORIZE_URL);
return ref.getUrl();
* Gets the page url
* @return The page url
private String getPageUrl() {
String host = ApexPages.currentPage().getHeaders().get('Host');
String path = ApexPages.currentPage().getUrl().split('\\?').get(0);
return 'https://' + host + path;
* If the access token is set
* @return If the access token is set
public Boolean getHasToken() {
return (this.access_token != null);
* Validates the callback code and generates the access and refresh tokens
* @return null to refresh the page
public PageReference redirectOnCallback() {
if (this.isCallback) {
String code = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('code');
OAuthResult result = validateCode(code, this.getPageUrl());
BoxCCredentials__c creds = BoxCCredentials__c.getValues(SETTING_NAME);
creds.Access_Token__c = result.access_token;
creds.Refresh_Token__c = result.refresh_token;
update creds;
return null;
private class ParentFolder {
public String id;
public ParentFolder(String id) { = id;
private class Folder {
public String name;
ParentFolder parent;
public Folder(String name, String parentId) { = name;
this.parent = new ParentFolder(parentId);
* Static method to create the folder inside of the box account
* @param accountId The account id to create the folder for
@Future(callout = true)
public static void createFolder(Id accountId) {
if (BoxCCredentials__c.getValues(SETTING_NAME) == null) {
String access_token = BoxCCredentials__c.getValues(SETTING_NAME).Access_Token__c;
Folder folder_info = new Folder(accountId, '0');
HttpRequest request=new HttpRequest();
request.setHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + access_token);
String body = JSON.serialize(folder_info);
Http p = new Http();
HttpResponse response = p.send(request);
BoxInsert.triggertrigger BoxInsert on Account (after insert) {
for (Account a : {
- Save these files
- Add to your Remote Site Settings
- Goto /apex/BoxLogin
- Click Login
- You should see "Already has token" (It might refresh the page and Login still shows up. If that happens just refresh the page)
- Insert an account
- View that folder has been created in your account
After this, every time you insert an account, it will pull the access_token from the custom setting. What this does not cover is how to regenerate the access_token with the refresh_token. I'll leave that up to you. Worst case, you delete the Access_Token__c from your credentials custom setting and then revisit the BoxLogin page to generate a new one.
Given how old this answer is, there have been things that have changed in the meantime. I would currently suggest looking into using Named Credentials ( instead and use the oAuth flow built into that. But if you insist on using this via a LWC, you would need to mark this as @AuraEnabled and call it with the correct @wire as seen in this article ( under "Apex Wire Method to Function with Parameters" hi pcon, i am doing this in lightning web component . how can i get code which u r passing as paramter in validateAouthcode method highlighted below.public static OAuthResult validateCode(String code, String redirect_uri) {
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