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Get to Know Workforce Navigators

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Explain the purpose of a workforce development program.
  • Describe the Workforce Navigators program.
  • Identify the benefits of the Workforce Navigators program.

What Are Workforce Development Programs?

In simple terms, workforce development programs are a set of solutions that support job seekers in advancing their skill sets to meet current and future employment needs.

Recent Mckinsey studies indicate that taking a skills-based approach to building the future workforce is key. Employers and employees alike benefit from programs where job seekers gain new skills for better opportunities and increase the talent pipeline to meet future demands. 

Programs vary. They can include anything from specialized training to address a specific need for a company, to content with basic interview tips to help individuals succeed with their job search. Today, organizations across private industries, non-government, local agencies, and more offer workforce development programs. 

At Salesforce, we provide workforce development through a set of diverse programs dedicated to training and hiring for the jobs of tomorrow. These efforts stress equality for all. Our Workforce Navigators program aims to ensure that professionals with disabilities have the same opportunities as their peers to advance their career through training, mentorship, and certification opportunities within the Salesforce ecosystem.

Salesforce is in a unique position. We can foster our program of inclusion across partner organizations and customers and expand the reach and networks for job seekers with disabilities.

Receptionist in a lobby with a woman and guide dog.

Committed to Equality and Inclusion

At Salesforce, equality is one of our core company values. And we believe that everyone should have an equal opportunity to learn and grow. 

Everyone has a different path to career success, and we’re committed to empowering people with disabilities to find their success in the Salesforce ecosystem and to providing support on their journey. The Workforce Navigators program is an external-facing workforce development program within the Office of Accessibility at Salesforce.  

Established in 2020 and designed for job seekers with disabilities, Workforce Navigators supports individuals who want to learn more about Salesforce through learning opportunities, mentorship, and certification access. 

Since its inception, Workforce Navigators has helped many job seekers with disabilities along their journey. Through the program, we’ve partnered with multiple companies to help them develop a more inclusive and accessible career path for candidates with disabilities seeking employment.

Whether you’re a job candidate with a disability or an HR practitioner working in the DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion) space, inside or outside the Salesforce ecosystem, we want to help. We partner with companies to help them upskill their employees and offer the public free digital training, publishing resources, and more. Photo of Marc Benioff.Commitment to Workforce Development 

“We can and should do more. My dream would be a call to action for business leaders, to show that business can be a great platform for change. Business and government together can create world-class educational and apprenticeship programs to invest in the future of our workforce.”  —Marc Benioff, CEO, Salesforce

Inclusive by Design: Purpose-Filled Solutions

You just learned that workforce development programs aim to help people develop new skills, and as a result create a well-trained workforce that can meet the growing demands of jobs in the future. Workforce Navigators takes this a step further by supporting Trailblazers with disabilities throughout their entire journey, ensuring accessible experiences every step of the way.

We believe that a robust and actionable workforce development program that supports professionals with disabilities includes the following elements.

  • A referral stream for professionals with disabilities seeking career advancement opportunities.
  • Accessible training and learning materials universally designed for inclusion.
  • Opportunities for paid work experience to build an individual’s resume.

By supporting professionals with disabilities through talent development, everyone can perform at their peak. We offer a network and structure to support growth through an entire career.

A Salesforce employee standing with his dog and skateboard, wearing sunglasses.

Workforce Navigators Benefits

Workforce Navigators offers myriad benefits–from accessible learning content to certification and scholarship support. As a job seeker, you can take advantage of learning content presented in the way that best works for you. And if financial support is a concern, you can apply for a scholarship to assist with your learning journey.

For DEI practitioners or hiring managers, you have the opportunity to review programs that can be reapplied within your organization. And importantly, you can tap into a wealth of diverse talent to meet growing job demands. 

Person sitting at a desk using a screen reader.

Workforce Navigators in Action

Molly just started a new job at a finance firm that operates on the Salesforce platform. She uses screen magnification in combination with a screen reader to enlarge content on the screen and also have it spoken aloud. She sometimes has trouble using the mouse; she is much faster using the keyboard to get work done. This is her first time using Salesforce, and she is searching for a community where she can pick up tips and tricks while she works her way through Trailhead.

Molly has the opportunity to join Workforce Navigators for training, mentorship, and scholarships. She can also tap into the Workforce Navigators written accessibility resources like screen reader instructions and keyboard-only use.

In the next unit, we take a closer look at the three key components of Workforce Navigators.


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