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Navigate Program Management Module

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Explain the foundational objects in Program Management Module (PMM).
  • Navigate the Program Management app in Salesforce.


Salesforce offers Salesforce for Nonprofits, which includes both integrated platform solutions and managed packages. This module provides information about Program Management Module (PMM), a managed package solution. For information about platform solutions, see the Manage Programs with Nonprofit Cloud trail linked in the Resources section. If you’re not sure which product your organization uses, check with your Salesforce administrator.

A Single Hub for Program Management

Program Management Module (PMM) gives you a foundational data structure and other features to help you deliver your programs and services efficiently, and track the results.

That starts with two key records, which we reviewed in the Program Management Module (PMM) Basics module. (If you haven't already completed that module, we recommend you start there for foundational information about PMM and how to set up program, service, and program cohort records.)

Let’s recap.

  • Programs record the highest level of the work you do and collect all the other records in PMM.
  • Services are the activities that make up your programs and are how you measure your work. A service could be teaching a class, delivering meals, organizing neighborhood meetings, or other things your organization does to meet its mission. There are usually several services in the same program.

That’s capturing the highest levels of your work, though—not the program engagement, service delivery, and service schedule records that make up your day-to-day activities. In this module, we explore working directly with clients and tracking your work using all these features.

Let’s start by learning how to navigate the app.



If you work with individuals, you may call the people you serve clients, students, users, participants, beneficiaries, members, or something more specific to your context. Some organizations may serve something entirely different, like other organizations, animals, or parks. We use the term clients here to refer to the recipients of your services, whoever or whatever they may be.

The PMM home page and navigation bar.

If you’re new to Salesforce and need to find PMM, click the App Launcher ()—labeled 1 in the screenshot here—and find and select Program Management using the search bar.

In the Program Management app, the navigation bar (2) displays the objects and tools included in PMM, and can be customized to an order that makes sense for you and your team. Clicking any of these navigation items will take you to a list view page of an object’s record or a PMM tool to help you work more effectively.

For now, though, we’re on the homepage. This page is configurable and fully customizable, and your admin can add components and reports that help make your work easier. 

Let’s explore the elements of the page that appear by default. 

  • The All Active Program Engagements chart (3) gives you an overview of how many engagements are active in each program.
  • The Client Records with Missing Phone Number count (4) helps you and your team maintain quality data. The lower this number is, the better.
  • Today’s Tasks (5) shows what’s on your agenda for today.
  • The Services Delivered (Year to Date) table (6) helps you understand how your staff has helped clients. The year view is default, but you can work with your admin to customize this to any period of time.
  • Recent Sessions (not included in screenshot) lists completed service session records, enabling you to quickly view or edit attendance. More on this later in the module.

Remember that this homepage is just a starting point. Working with your admin, you can modify it with custom lists, charts, and other components to make it even more useful for your organization. For example, maybe you care more about missing email addresses than missing phone numbers—that’s an easy adjustment for your admin to make.

Now that you know how to get around PMM, let’s dive into day-to-day program work. We follow our friends at the (fictional) nonprofit No More Homelessness starting in the next unit.


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