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Clone and Share Action Plan Templates

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Clone action plan templates.
  • Create a package with action plan templates.

Streamline Your Workflow with Action Plan Templates

Why would you clone action plan templates? By cloning them, you can simplify changes like correcting a typo in a task name or developing a new template based on an existing one. You can also clone an existing template to create a different version for your own use. 

Want to distribute your best practices so folks in the company or outside get the basic building blocks for an effective action plan template? Packages enable you to do this and more. With action plan template packaging, create and test action plan templates in a sandbox environment, and deploy them in one or more production environments. 

After you’ve created a package with your action plan templates, upload the package to get an installation URL that you can distribute. You can also upload packaged action plan templates to AppExchange for others in the Salesforce ecosystem to benefit from your amazing work! 

Clone Action Plan Templates

It’s the new fiscal year at Cumulus. Business processes must be updated to reflect this change, and this includes renaming the Quarterly Plan Review 2021 template. The three prep tasks included in the template remain the same.

So does that mean Ryan has to create an action plan template and add the three tasks again? Not at all! Thanks to action plan template cloning, he can use the existing Quarterly Plan Review template to make a copy and make the necessary changes. Here’s how he does that.

  1. Click App Launcher and select Wealth Management.
  2. From the navigation bar, click Action Plan Templates.
  3. Click Quarterly Plan Review 2021.
  4. Click Clone Template.
  5. On the New action plan template with related records window, enter the name as Quarterly Plan Review 2022.The New action plan template with related records window.
  6. Click Save.

Create a Package with Action Plan Templates

The Yearly Plan Review action plan template is a hit at Cumulus! Wealth managers in other teams are requesting Ryan to share the template so that they can use it to streamline their financial review meetings as well. 

With action plan template packaging, this is easy. All Ryan has to do is create a package with the action plan template and generate an installation URL that he can distribute.  

Here’s how he does that.

  1. Click Setup and then Setup.
  2. In the Quick Find box, enterpackage manager, and then select Package Manager.
  3. Under Packages, click New.
  4. In the Package Name field, enter Quarterly Plan Review.The Create a Package page.
  5. Click Save.
  6. On the Components tab, click Add.
  7. From the Component Type list, select Action Plan Template.
  8. Select the Quarterly Plan Review 2021 template, and click Add to Package.The Add to Package page for the Quarterly Plan Review package.
  9. Click Upload.
  10. Enter a version name and a version number for the package.
  11. Click Upload.

An installation URL is generated, which other wealth managers can use to install the action plan template. Finally, to use the template, they’d clone the template and use the copy.The installation URL for the Quarterly Plan Review package.

What’s Next

Cloning and packaging capabilities of Action Plans have saved countless hours of effort for Ryan. In the next unit, follow along as he extends all the Action Plans goodness to Cumulus’s partner sites. Blast off!


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