Certification Exam Guide
Review all the info you need to know for the Identity Access and Management exam.
Identity Management Concepts
Exam Weight: 17%
Fundamentos de identidad
Proteja su organización para que sus usuarios puedan iniciar sesión una sola vez para acceder a una variedad de aplicaciones, organizaciones y servicios.
Autenticación de usuarios
Asegure su organización con la autenticación de múltiples factores, Mi dominio y el inicio de sesión único.
Salesforce Licensing
Understand the relationship between licenses, permissions, editions, and add-ons.
Deploying Single Sign-On and Identity for Employees, Customers, and Partners
Salesforce Developers
Shield Platform Encryption
Encrypt your data at-rest in the cloud and manage the life cycle of your encryption keys.
Supervisión de eventos
Utilice esta potente función de supervisión para obtener información sobre su organización de Salesforce.
Real-Time Event Monitoring
Discover insights into your Salesforce org with Real-Time Event Monitoring.
Enhanced Transaction Security
Monitor events, enforce policies, and get instant notifications based on rules you create.
Accepting Third-Party Identity in Salesforce
Exam weight: 21%
Configure SSO to Salesforce Using Microsoft AD FS as the Identity Provider
Trailblazer Community Documentation
Salesforce as an Identity Provider
Exam Weight: 17%
Connected App Basics
Learn how connected apps integrate external applications with Salesforce.
Access Management Best Practices
Exam Weight: 15%
Aspectos básicos sobre la seguridad
Instruya a los usuarios, proteja su organización de Salesforce e incentive una cultura de seguridad.
Session-Based Permission Sets and Security
Use session-based permission sets to limit access to data in your org.
Salesforce Identity
Exam Weight: 12%
Community (Partner and Customer)
Exam Weight: 18%
Identity for Mobile-Centric Customers
Create a login experience designed for mobile interaction.
Additional Resources
Additional study materials
Salesforce Data Mask
Use the Salesforce Data Mask managed package to secure sensitive data in sandbox orgs.
Security Awareness and Training
Learn what it means to build security awareness into an organization.