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chan sk (miracle) ha preguntado en #Apex
Hi All,

    First I'm reading the all the salesforce Accounts in a selectoption dropdownlist.

based on the account selection i'm displaying the related contacts in other dropdownlist.

From the multiple contacts i'm selecting one contact how can i read that particular contact from

all contacts.

problem : how to filter selected contact from contact dropdownlist.

This is apex class:

   public with sharing class Account_Contact_Picklist{

    public String selectedAccId{get;set;}

    public String selectedConId{get;set;}

    public String firstname;

    public String lastname;

    public String email;

    public String company;

    public String mailingcity;

    public String mailingstate;

    public String mailingcountry;

    public String mobileno;

    public LightiningEd__Webinar_Attendees_Status__c login1;


    public Account_Contact_Picklist(ApexPages.StandardController controller){

       this.login1= (LightiningEd__Webinar_Attendees_Status__c)controller.getRecord();


    public List<System.SelectOption> accOptions{get;set;}


    public List<System.SelectOption> getAccountNames() {

                  List<System.SelectOption> accOptions= new List<System.SelectOption>();

                  accOptions.add( new System.SelectOption('','--Select--'));

                  for( Account acc : [select Id,name from Account] ){

                          accOptions.add( new System.SelectOption(String.valueOf(acc.Id),;


                 return accOptions;


           public List<System.SelectOption> getContactNames(){


                  System.debug('Entered ContactNames account id...........'+selectedAccId );

                  List<System.SelectOption> conOptions= new List<System.SelectOption>();

                  List<System.SelectOption> options = new List<System.SelectOption>();


                    if(selectedConId != null){

                           System.debug('Entered ContactNames contact id1...........'+selectedConId );

                       for(contact con :  [select Id,name,accountid,FirstName,LastName,email,MobilePhone,MailingCity,MailingState,MailingCountry

                                           from contact where accountid=:selectedAccId ]){


                              conOptions.add(new System.SelectOption(String.valueOf(con.Id),;



                              if(conOptions.size() > 0){




                                  for(Contact con1 : [select Id,name,Account.Name,accountid,FirstName,LastName,email,

                                                      MobilePhone,MailingCity,MailingState,MailingCountry from contact where id=:selectedConId]){                                  


                                      firstname = con1.FirstName;

                                      System.debug('Entered ContactNames contact id...........'+firstname);

                                      lastname= con1.LastName;


                                      email = con1.Email;

                                      System.debug('email:::'+email );                                                     

                                      company = con1.Account.Name;

                                      System.debug('company:::'+company );                                                     

                                      mailingcity = con1.MailingCity;

                                      System.debug('mailingcity:::'+mailingcity );

                                      mailingstate = con1.MailingState;

                                      System.debug('mailingstate:::'+mailingstate );

                                      mailingcountry = con1.MailingCountry;

                                      System.debug('mailingcountry:::'+mailingcountry );

                                      mobileno = con1.MobilePhone;

                                      System.debug('mobileno:::'+mobileno );







                        conOptions.add( new System.SelectOption('--None--','--None--'));


                   return conOptions;





Thanks In Advance
2 respuestas
  1. 2 feb 2018, 19:37
    Here I get all accounts in dropdownlist and also I'm able to displaying related contacts for that account .but here I'm stucked at the point among those contacts if I select particular contact how can I get that particular contact only
  2. 2 feb 2018, 18:05
    - Create A Map of Account Vs list of Contact may be on page load

    - When user select Account on VF page, Pass Account ID as Apex:Param now you have account id get list of contact and bind to picklist runtime

    - Do not forget to render contact pick list.

