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I have a php script that uses the php Developer toolkit and is correctly retrieving data into a table.  I added a new custom field and re-generated the WSDL  but no data is retrieved.  Firebug shows no errors. The problem looks as though it relates to the new field addition because if I replace the new field with an existing field everything works as it should.


$query = "SELECT Service_Date__c, Lectionarysv__c, LectionaryNew__c, Service_Time__c, CreatedDate, Notes__c, Leader__c, Location__c, Service_Type__c, Lectionary6__r.Lectionary_Date__c,Lectionary6__r.Colour__c,Lectionary6__r.Period_Name__c, Lectionary6__r.Selected_Reading_Line__c from Service3__c WHERE Web_Publish__c = True ORDER BY Service3__c.Service_Date__c, Service3__c.Service_Time__c


The new field causing the problem is LectionaryNew__c .


echo "<td>".$record->Leader__c."</td>";

echo "<td>".$record->LectionaryNew__c."</td>";

The Leader__c field displays correctly but no data appears for LectionaryNew__c .

The entry in the WSDL is

Line 9013: <element name="LectionaryNew__c" nillable="true" minOccurs="0" type="xsd:string"/>

LectionaryNew__c is a text field  200 characters.  I have checked that there is data in the field in the database.

Where should I look to find out what is causing this problem ?   Thanks


1 answer
  1. Aug 31, 2016, 7:09 PM
    Oh dear ... it helps if the name of the new WSDL is the same name as is in the connection statement..



    I feel humbled !