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Set Up Agentforce SDR

Learning Objectives

In this project, you’ll:

  • Enable Agentforce Sales Development Representative (SDR).
  • Create a user for your agent.
  • Grant users access to your agent.

Nurture Leads Like Never Before

Built on the Salesforce trusted AI platform, Agentforce SDR helps scale your sales team by nurturing leads and build pipeline around the clock.‌ The SDR agent can be the first point of contact for inbound leads. The agent can conduct personalized lead outreach, respond to customer questions, and even book meetings on your seller’s behalf

While Agentforce is working, your sales team can focus on targeted accounts and building deeper customer connections, helping them close more deals, faster.

Enable Supporting Features and Activate Agentforce for Sales Development

In order to successfully get the agent up and running, there are some other services that must be enabled. As you work through these steps, you’ll open the Agentforce SDR Setup page. Keep this page open for the duration of the steps shown. At times, you’ll open new tabs, but you’ll always go back to the Agentforce SDR Setup page.

  1. From the home page, click“Setup”and click Setup.
  2. In the Quick Find box type SDR and click Agentforce SDR.

With Agentforce SDR Setup, it’s easy to turn on all of the required supporting features at once versus having to individually turn each feature on. If any of the features in the list were already enabled, you’ll see a check next to them.

  1. Click Enable All to turn on all supporting features. This can take a few moments to complete, but once all of the check marks appear, you can move on to the next step.

The Agentforce SDR setup screen showing the required supporting features along with an Enable All button.

There's one final supporting feature that must be enabled before you can activate the agent, and that is Data Cloud.

  1. If Data Cloud is already enabled, it’ll have a checkmark next to it, please skip to step 7. If not, click Go to Data Cloud Setup.

The Agentforce SDR Setup page showing all of the enabled supporting features and the Go to Data Cloud Setup button highlighted.

  1. Since Data Cloud is already enabled, on this page you should see a section called Your Home Org Details with Home Org ID, Home Org Instance, and a few other columns. Confirm that you see that section, and then close the Data Cloud Setup page.

The Data Cloud Setup page with the Get Started button highlighted.

  1. Go to your Agentforce SDR Setup page and refresh the browser.
  2. In the section titled Step 1: Enable Agentforce SDR, click the toggle to the Active position to activate Agentforce SDR.
  3. A popup window appears stating you're about to enable and use Agentforce SDR, click Got it. A confirmation box will appear and your agent is now active.

The Agentforce SDR Setup page, showing all supporting features enabled and the active toggle switch is highlighted.

Great work! In this step, you learned what Agentforce Sales Development agents can do for your company and you enabled your playground for Agentforce Sales Development. Now it’s time to create a user and grant that user the correct permissions to build an agent.

Verificar paso

+100 puntos

Completará esta unidad en su propio Playground Agentforce.

Esta insignia requiere un nuevo Playground de Agentforce personalizado.

Dispondrá de tiempo limitado para completar esta insignia y cualquier insignia que requiera un Playground Agentforce. Si el tiempo se agota, perderá el acceso a este Playground y es posible que tenga que volver a empezar.

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