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Build an Action Plan for Dynamic Assessments

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Create an Action Plan Template for a dynamic assessment.
  • Test your dynamic assessment process.

Create Action Plan Templates

In the Inspections with Public Sector Solutions module, you learned how to create action plan templates for inspection visits. In this unit, join Tishon as she creates an action plan template for dynamic assessments. The template will include your Omni Assessment Task and a task that captures the signature of the licensed inspector. 

Let’s see how Tishon creates an action plan template. Since she’s creating a visit-based dynamic assessment, she sets the Target Object field to Visit

  1. From the App Launcher, find and select Action Plan Templates.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter these details:
    • Name: Salon Fire and Building Standards Template
    • Action Plan Type: Assessment Execution
    • Target Object: Visit
  1. Click Save.

Next, Tishon adds an Omni Assessment Task and a signature task to her action plan template. She then publishes the template so she can use it to create action plans for inspections, assessments, and evaluations.

  1. On the Items tab of the action plan template, click New Generic Assessment Task. The New Generic Assessment Task opens.
    New Generic Assessment Task dialog box.
  2. Specify these details.
    • Generic Assessment Task Type: Omni Assessment Task
    • Generic Assessment Tasks: Fire Safety and Building Standards Assessment
    • Display Order: 1
  1. Select Is Required.
  2. Click Save.
  3. Under Signature Tasks, click New Signature Task.
  4. Enter these details.
    • Name: Signature of licensed inspector
    • Display Order: 2
  1. Select Required.
  2. Click Save.
  3. Click Publish Template and then Publish.

You can add multiple omni-assessment tasks to a single action plan, and include several action plans on a single object, such as a visit.

Tishon has set up an action plan template that includes tasks to complete during the fire safety and building standards inspection visit. 

Create an Inspection Visit

Salima Sheikh is the compliance and enforcement officer for the city of Cosville.

 Illustrated profile picture of Salima Sheikh.

One of her major responsibilities is to set up inspection visits and assign them to inspectors like Amelia. Join Salima as she creates a visit record from a business license application.

  1. From App Launcher, find and open Public Sector: License and Permit Management.
  2. Select Business License Applications from the app navigation menu.
  3. In the Business License Applications list view, select Application ID BLA-0000000001.
  4. Click the Related tab.
    New button on the Visits related list for a Business License Application.
  5. On the Visit related list, click New.
  6. On the new Visit record page, for Place, choose Locations and Susan Salon and Spa.
  7. For Visit Priority, choose High.
  8. For Account, choose Sunshine Salon.
  9. For Visit Type, select Inspection Types from the dropdown menu, and then select Fire Safety & Build Standards - spot check.
  10. For Planned Start Time, select today’s date and a time later today.
  11. For Visitor, select People from the dropdown list, and then select an inspector. Salima selects Amelia Zhu. If you're completing this task in a Developer Edition org with Public Sector Solutions and our Dynamic Assessments sample data, select your own profile.
  12. Click Save.

Susan has configured the Visit record for the salon inspection. 

Visit page for Sunshine Salon business license application.

Next, Salima associates this visit with her action plan template. 

Associate an Action Plan Template with a Visit

Salima connects the action plan template to the visit she just created so that the inspector can complete the steps during the salon inspection.  

  1. On the Visit record page, click the Related tab.
  2. On the Action Plans related list, click New Plan.
  3. Enter these details.
    1. Name: Salon Premises Spot Check
    2. Start Date: Use today’s date or the date of your visit
    3. Action Plan Template: Salon Fire and Building Standards Template
  1. Click Next.
  2. Click Save.

The Action Plans component is added to the Visit Lightning record page in the Developer Edition org for this module. If you don't see it, click the gear icon, and select Edit Page. Then drag the Action Plan List component onto the page, and save your changes.

Here’s the action plan Salima created from the action plan template.

Visit record page linked to an Action Plan template.

The inspector, Amelia, can now use this action plan to complete the Omni Assessment Tasks during her salon visit. 


To learn more about how to add assessment components to a record page, see the Add the Assessments Component to a Record Page in Public Sector Solutions Help article linked in the Resources section.

Test Your Dynamic Assessment

Salima has triumphantly created a compliance checklist for a visit-based dynamic assessment. Now, comes the most critical part: testing everything out. 

Public Sector Solutions offers both desktop and mobile versions of the Inspection Management app. When a visit is assigned to an inspector, they can use either app to access all the visit details. 


To use the Public Sector: Inspection Management mobile app, make sure that your device meets the Technical Requirements for Phones or the Technical Requirements for Tablets. After you’ve installed the mobile app, you can view and complete inspections on the go. See the Resources section of this unit to learn more about performing inspections using the mobile app.   

Amelia uses the Inspection Management desktop app on her laptop to conduct a dynamic assessment. Let’s join her as she starts the visit and then completes the Omni Assessment Tasks in the action plan. 

  1. From the App Launcher, find and select Public Sector: Inspection Management.
  2. From the app navigation menu, select Scheduled Inspections.Scheduled Inspections selected in the app navigation menu.
  3. Select Scheduled Inspections, and choose the inspection you want to start. The Visit record opens.
    Tasks list for the Sunshine Salon inspection visit.
  4. Click Start Visit, and proceed with the tasks. 

The inspection Status changes to In Progress, with an elapsed time counter. The visit has started! 

Next, Amelia completes the tasks in the checklist and records her observations.

  1. Click the Fire Safety and Building Standards Assessment task to view the assessment checklist.
    The Fire Safety assessment questions appear.
  2. For the question “Is this the first fire safety assessment being conducted at this location?”, select No.
  3. For “How many violations were found in the previous inspection or assessment?”, enter 0.
  4. For “Are heating appliances securely fixed with enough clearance?”, select Yes.
  5. For Compliance Status, select Pass.
  6. Click Next.
    Fire Safety Omni Assessment.
    The Building Standards assessment questions appear.
  7. For the first question, “What is the square footage of the establishment?”, enter 700.
  8. For the dependent question, “How many chairs are there in the establishment?”, enter 7.
  9. For Compliance Status, select Pass.
  10. For “Does the establishment provide a safe and clear walking path to the Site?”, select No.
  11. Because there isn’t a safe and clear walking path, for Compliance Status, select Fail. 
    Here’s the completed Building Standards assessment form.
    Assessment questions under the Building Standards category in the assessment form.
    Notice that the associated regulatory code appears under the question about whether the establishment provides a safe and clear walking path to the site.
  12. Click Next, and close the checklist.
  13. Refresh the Visit page.

The Fire Safety and Building Standards Assessment task now shows as complete. 

Completed Fire Safety and Building Standards Assessment task on the Visit screen.

Because you marked the Compliance Status as Failed for the safe and clear walking path assessment question, the app automatically creates a Regulatory Code Violation.   

Lastly, Amelia signs off on the visit. 

  1. Click the Signature of licensed inspector task.
  2. For Signer, select your user name, and click Add Signature.
  3. Add your signature.Signature Task page.
  4. Click Done.

All tasks in Amelia's compliance checklist are now complete. It’s time to wrap up the visit.

  1. Close the signature task tab, and refresh the visit page.
  2. Click End Visit. The End Visit dialog box opens.
  3. Add any additional comments, and click Complete Visit. The visit status changes to Completed.

Woohoo! You’ve now seen the dynamic assessment process for a visit-based use case through the eyes of the inspector. In the next unit, you create a compliance checklist to use with dynamic assessments that take place virtually or over the phone, rather than during an in-person visit. 


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