Implement Low-Code Automation
Learn how to speed up processes through automation on Salesforce.
Automate Approval
Automate approval processes on Salesforce and solve complex automation challenges.
Stellen Sie sicher, dass wichtige Datensätze von den richtigen Personen zur richtigen Zeit geprüft werden.
Machen Sie es Ihren Vertriebsmitarbeitern leicht, die für Rabattangebote erforderlichen Genehmigungen zu erhalten.
Schalten Sie Superbadge-Inhalte frei, indem Sie Ihr Bewusstsein für die Sicherheit des Salesforce Credentialing Program unter Beweis stellen.
Demonstrate your ability to automate and enhance approval processes.
Use your approval process troubleshooting skills to increase productivity.
Complete the capstone assessment to earn the Approval Process Specialist Superbadge.
Automate with Flow Builder
Automate business processes with Flow Builder.
Erkunden Sie den Flow Builder und erfahren Sie, wann Sie Flows zur Automatisierung Ihrer Geschäftsprozesse verwenden.
Start building flows to automate business processes using Salesforce records.
Verwenden Sie Flow Builder zum Erfassen und Aktualisieren von Kontaktinformationen in einem Flow.
Verwenden Sie Logik und Formeln, um die Pfade und Variablen in einem Flow zu steuern.
Learn the basics of record-triggered flows.
Assess Your Flow Builder Skills
Solve complex automation challenges with Flow Builder.
Configure flow actions, elements, and more to automate business processes.
Deliver improved performance with flow adjustments and enhancements.
Streamline existing flows to support scalability and enhance the user experience.
Complete the capstone to earn the Flow Elements and Resources Specialist Superbadge.
Distribute Flows
Distribute automation using Screen Flows.
Create automation that guides users and interacts with them.
Stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihre Benutzer problemlos auf die von Ihnen eingerichteten Flows zugreifen können.
Erfahren Sie, wie Sie Flows testen und für Benutzer zur Verfügung stellen.
Assess Your Screen Flow Skills
Solve complex challenges with Screen Flows.
Work with screen flows and elements to streamline data management.
Optimize and distribute screen flows across user interfaces according to requirements.
Complete the capstone assessment to earn the Screen Flow Specialist Superbadge.
NEXT: Dive Deeper Into Salesforce Development Tools and Concepts
Continue your learning journey by exploring more Salesforce development tools and concepts!
Get hands-on with the Salesforce Developer Experience.
Informationen zu diesem Trail
Discover how you can make the most of low-code solutions. In this trail, you’ll learn how to automate approval, use Flow Builder, solve automation challenges, and distribute automation using screen flows. You’ll gain skills in identity and access management, process improvement, quality assurance, user interface and user experience design. Dive deeper into Salesforce Development by exploring Apex and other developer tools after you’ve completed this trail.