Dive Deeper Into Salesforce Development Tools and Concepts
Get hands-on with the Salesforce Developer Experience and learn Apex fundamentals.
Learn About Salesforce Developer Experience
Explore Salesforce development tools and environments.
Erstellen, Konvertieren und Bereitstellen von Anwendungen mithilfe der Salesforce-Befehlszeilenschnittstelle
Discover Code Builder, the latest tool for coding on the Salesforce platform.
Lernen Sie die Grundlagen der Verwendung eines Befehlszeilen-Tools kennen.
Hier richten Sie die empfohlene IDE für die Salesforce-Entwicklung ein und integrieren sie.
Learn how and when to use different Salesforce developer environments.
Manage change with Salesforce DX tools and source control.
Drive modular-based development with Salesforce DX tooling.
Learn Apex
Get hands-on with Apex.
Mit Apex können Sie Geschäftslogik hinzufügen und Ihre Daten in Salesforce bearbeiten.
Learn the basic syntax and structure of Apex.
Schreiben Sie Apex-Auslöser, um benutzerdefinierte Datenbankaktionen durchzuführen.
Schreiben Sie stabilen Code, indem Sie Apex-Einheitentests durchführen.
Replay debug logs in Visual Studio Code to discover the root cause of errors in your code.
Schreiben Sie effizienteren Apex-Code mit asynchroner Verarbeitung.
Die Apex-REST- und -SOAP-Services ermöglichen eine Integration in externe Anwendungen.
Assess Your Apex Skills
Solve complex development challenges with Apex.
Use integration and business logic to push your Apex coding skills to the limit.
Learn About Salesforce APIs
Integrate systems with Salesforce.
Lernen Sie die Salesforce Platform-APIs kennen und erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ihre Daten integrieren.
Erfahren Sie, wie verbundene Anwendungen externe Anwendungen in Salesforce integrieren.
Create and manage a connected app that gives users secure API access to your org.
Create an external client app using Metadata API.
Set up Postman with the Salesforce API collection to access data in your Salesforce org.
Assess Your API and Web Services Skills
Solve complex integration challenges.
Streamline integration with APIs for data retrieval, manipulation, and automation.
Develop custom APIs using Apex REST and SOAP services for seamless integration.
Develop and test Apex REST and SOAP callouts to external systems.
NEXT: Create Modern Experiences on Salesforce
Continue your learning journey by creating quality user experiences next!
Learn how you can build modern experiences for your users.
Informationen zu diesem Trail
Explore the developer tools you need to solve complex challenges, like system integration. In this trail, you’ll gain skills in data management, engineering practices, process improvement, software quality assurance, web development, and system design and implementation. Dive deeper into Salesforce Development by tackling user experience after you’ve completed this trail.