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Prepare Your Org for Manufacturing Service

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Describe how Service Console for Manufacturing helps you with the steps in a typical service experience.
  • Outline the key steps for Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) enablement.
  • Describe the key objects in the Engagement data model.
  • Review the Identity Verification records and flows.

Follow the Steps of a Service Agent

Before Cindy gets into the configuration steps, she wants to understand what a typical service workflow looks like using Service Console for Manufacturing. 

The seven stages of a typical service workflow and the components that help agents at each stage.

Here’s what she learns. 

Each communication record between a call center agent and a customer or partner is an interaction. Partners or customers can initiate an interaction over any channel–such as voice call, email, message, or video call–and the interaction can cover multiple topics.

Most interactions start when a call comes into the contact center. When you use Computer-Telephony Integration (CTI) with Salesforce, any data that’s associated with an incoming phone number automatically pops up on screen. Whenever a partner or customer calls, an Engagement Interaction record is automatically created in the background if the required integration is in place.

Typically, agents answer calls from registered users as well as unauthenticated callers whose details aren’t available in the system. 

The predefined Identity Verification flow in Manufacturing Cloud helps agents with both scenarios. For unauthenticated users, agents can search by name, phone number, or other such criteria first. Then, for both registered and unregistered users, the service agent can verify the caller’s identity by confirming basic details to avoid fraud and maintain trust. When the identity is confirmed, the Engagement Interaction record is updated with the reason of the call, the name of the attendee, and other details.

After the identity of a caller is successfully verified, the agent is automatically redirected to the caller’s Contact page (refashioned for Manufacturing Cloud for Service) in the console. Here, the Timeline component shows all past, current, and upcoming interactions in a chronological view. The Cases, Orders, and Assets related lists give agents a quick view of all related records so they can have contextual conversations.

During the interaction, the service agent can use the Actions tab on the Actions & Recommendations component to launch frequently used actions from within the console, such as creating a service appointment, taking notes, or logging a case. 

If the Action Launcher component is configured in the console, the agent can trigger other Omnistudio or Flow-based actions as well. The service agent can also use the Knowledge component to provide meaningful answers to the caller’s queries.

The service agent can proactively inform the caller about critical warnings, renewal information, and other record alerts that are displayed on the Record Alerts component. 

The agent can also check out the intelligent recommendations and next best actions that the admin has configured. These are displayed on the Recommendations tab of the Actions & Recommendations component.

Connected Communication
When an interaction is complete, the Engagement Interaction record is automatically updated to show the verification details, and the related topic and attendee records also get updated. This ensures minimal to zero loss of information and provides a shared source of truth. When the next call comes in, the service agents are prepared because they have access to all prior interactions. They can also use the Audit Trail to find the records.

Salesforce Call Center

Cindy knows that the first step in most service communications is a call. The majority of communication happens over a phone or video call, and so it’s important to set up CTI integration. The identity verification flow and the engagement data model work seamlessly with Service Cloud’s CTI process. 

Here are the high-level steps to set up a softphone and connect it to the downstream service process.

  1. Install a CTI package from AppExchange. This creates a call center for Rayler Parts—an Open CTI system that integrates with Salesforce.
  2. Edit the CTI definition file that’s part of the package you just installed. The definition file helps you define your call center’s properties, such as fields, field order, which API to use, and softphone height and width.Softphone properties defined in Setup.
  3. Import the updated definition file into the Salesforce org to create a call center in Setup.Call Center details in Setup.
  4. Add users to the call center to determine who can use the softphone. You can also specify search criteria to find agents who should be assigned to the call center.User profiles related to a softphone record in Setup
  5. Add a softphone to the utility bar of the service console app so that it’s easily accessible in the console’s footer.Open CTI Softphone utility item added to the Service Console for Manufacturing app.
  6. Assign the console app to all user profiles who must access it.
  7. Use the Engagement Connect APIs to configure the link between the softphone and an Engagement Interaction record. This ensures that when a call comes in, it automatically creates an Engagement Interaction record.

For detailed CTI integration steps, check out the Call Center Integration for Lightning Experience module and the Salesforce Open CTI topic.

Cindy also learns that she can configure Service Cloud Voice for partner telephony (BYOT) for a similar experience. See Set Up Service Cloud Voice with Partner Telephony for details.

The Engagement Data Model

You’ve learned that engagement interaction records are better suited than case records to capture the key details of service communication. A single engagement interaction record can be related to multiple attendees and multiple topics of engagement, while a case is always restricted to a single use and for dual attendees.

Cindy wants to quickly understand the three objects and the types of information they store. For that, she looks at the data model information. 

The Engagement Interaction data model.

The Engagement Interaction object represents information about an interaction between a service representative or any other specialist in an organization and the organization’s customer or partner. Let’s look at a sample Engagement Interaction record with its key details.

An Engagement Interaction record.

Field Value

Communication Channel

Voice Call


10 minutes


In Progress




Scheduling periodic maintenance of asset




Service Appointment for Compactor 8000

Verification Time

9:50 AM

Attendee Verified?


The Engagement Attendee object represents information about the people who are involved in an interaction, such as the partner who has called and a support agent. Let’s look at a sample Engagement Attendee record with its key details.

An Engagement Attendee record.

Field Value



Internal Attendee

User record of the agent 

External Attendee

Contact record of the partner

Verification Time

9:50 AM

Attendee Verified?


The Engagement Topic object represents information about all the issues or points of conversation discussed during an interaction. Let’s look at a sample Engagement Topic record with its key details.

An Engagement Topic record.

Field Value



Process Type

Omni Script

Interaction Summary

Placed a new order for two products.

Related To

Contact of the partner caller

Process Status


Cindy now moves on to the Identity Verification flow. She wants to understand what comes out of the box with Manufacturing for Service.

Identity Verification with Manufacturing Cloud

When you enable Service Console for Manufacturing in your org, a few Identity Verification definitions are created in the org along with a Salesforce Flow template. Cindy explores these records and the flow in detail.

Cindy navigates to the Identity Verification Process Definition page in Setup and sees a record Sample Verification Flow for Manufacturing Service. This record holds the metadata that determines how the identity verification process behaves for the Service Console in Manufacturing Cloud.The predefined Identity Verification Process Definition record for Manufacturing Cloud.

Next, Cindy navigates to the Identity Verification Process Details page in Setup and sees the ContactSearch record. This record ensures that the agent can verify details of a caller based on the details in their corresponding Contact record.The predefined Identity Verification Process Details record for Manufacturing Cloud.

Cindy moves to the Identity Verification Process Field page in Setup and sees the following records related to the ContactSearch process detail record.

Field Name Field Type Details


Search Field

If an unregistered caller calls in, and the softphone doesn’t show the caller’s details, the agent can search by the phone number or email address of the caller.

ContactNameResultAccount NameResult

Result Field

After the agent searches for the caller, the search results show all the Contact and Account records that match the search criteria.


Required Verifier

The information that a caller provides for their name and the related account must match the details shown to the agent on the identity verification screen.


Optional Verifier

Additionally, the agent can also ask the caller to confirm their phone number and email address to complete the verification.

The predefined Identity Verification Process Field records for Manufacturing Cloud.

Cindy can always use the guided setup on the Identity Verification Settings page in Setup to edit the predefined records that come with Manufacturing Cloud. For example, if she wants to add Address as an optional verifier field, she can easily do that.

Manufacturing Cloud also provides a predefined Flow template Verify Caller Identity that designs the caller identity verification process. Cindy can tweak this template to make customizations if required. But she doesn’t need to design the verification flow herself. Manufacturing Cloud has that covered.The predefined Verify Caller Identity flow for Manufacturing Cloud

Understand Customization Requirements

Cindy meets Najma to discuss the progress of the implementation so far. In the next unit see how Cindy reviews the configurations for each feature such as Knowledge, Timeline, Record Alerts, and more. 

But first, Najma wrote down a few customization requests for Cindy. Najma wants to enhance the productivity of the agents on her team, so she wants Cindy to try out a few custom configurations. 

  • On an account record, I want to see a timeline that shows a chronological list of visits, opportunities, and rebate claims.
  • I want an additional verification question that allows the agent to select Payment Queries as the reason for a call.
  • In the console, I want to see Sales Agreements, Rebate Members, and Work Orders related to the partner.

Cindy is excited to see what lies next.


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