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Explore Program Reporting Basics

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Describe how Program Management Module (PMM) helps you with impact management.
  • Explain several reports included with PMM and what they show.
  • Discuss data security with your Salesforce admin.

Before You Start

Before you start this module, consider completing the following recommended content.

Make Data-Driven Decisions

PMM gives you a simple, open-source Salesforce app and data structure with objects and features to manage your programs and services. You can set up your programs quickly and start recording service deliveries and track your mission.

But once you have all that data, what do you do with it?

Analyze it to make data-driven decisions, of course.

In this module, we explore a few options for reporting on and analyzing your PMM data to find trends, investigate your performance, and discover opportunities to improve your work.



Salesforce offers Salesforce for Nonprofits, which includes both integrated platform solutions and managed packages. This module provides information about PMM, a managed package solution. For information about platform solutions, see the Manage Programs with Nonprofit Cloud trail linked in the Resources section. If you’re not sure which product your organization uses, check with your Salesforce administrator.

Build a Culture of Impact Management

A group of colleagues considers data to make a decision.

Impact management is a set of skills and practices used to evaluate, manage, and improve the delivery of your organization’s mission. Putting the ideas into practice at your organization means working to build a culture of impact management and using data to make decisions.

PMM helps you with one of the key skills of impact management: continuous evidence building. By recording your program and service delivery data in Salesforce, you’re collecting the raw material you need to analyze your work. That analysis can help you build toward another key skill: evidence-based decision-making.

PMM can help you get part of the way with impact management, but it’s a big topic that takes a lot of work on both human and technical factors in your organization. If you’d like to learn more about impact management, check out the Impact Management: Quick Look module on Trailhead.

Use Reports Included in PMM

To get you started with impact measurement, PMM and Salesforce reports can examine data in all the custom PMM objects—like program engagements, program cohorts, and service deliveries—along with other records.

While you can get right to work building your own custom reports, PMM includes some as a starting point. The reports are saved in two folders in Salesforce. 

  • Program Management Embedded Reports, where you can find the reports that appear on the Program Management Home Page dashboard and the Program and Service page layouts.
  • Program Management Reports (Unpackaged), where you can find additional reports.

You can find both folders by clicking Reports in navigation, then All Folders.

Here’s some of what is included in the Program Management Embedded Reports folder.

  • All Active Program Engagements gives you a count of all the records in Active status by Program.
  • Client Records Missing Phone Number helps your team make sure client data is complete.
  • Clients Enrolled This Month includes all engagements that have a start date in the current month by cohort.
  • Clients Enrolled This Month by Program is a similar report, but grouped so that you can see the program-level view.
  • Units Delivered Over the Last 6 Months provides the monthly total of each service delivered by month, making it easier to see trends. Plus, this report can be easily customized to find new insights. (Spoiler alert: We do that in a moment.)
  • Services Delivered (Year to Date) provides the sum of services delivered in each service, grouped by program. This is helpful to modify for different time periods to get a snapshot of your entire organization.

In the Program Management Reports (Unpackaged) folder, you can find additional reports like:

  • All Program Engagements by Stage informs you how program engagements are progressing.
  • Service Deliveries by Provider Last Month includes where service providers spent their time last month to see how you are delivering your mission.

If you work with individuals, you may call the people you serve clients, students, users, participants, beneficiaries, members, or something more specific to your context. Some organizations may serve something entirely different, like other organizations, animals, or parks. We use the term clients here to refer to the recipients of your services, whoever or whatever they may be.

Consider Data Security

With any report, be mindful of who has access to the data. Some organizations collect sensitive data about their clients—yours may be one of those groups—so determine who really needs permission to view client data. 

Your Salesforce admin can set those permissions with the included PMM permission sets (see the documentation link in Resources), but keep in mind that the PMM permission sets only control access to custom PMM objects. Your organization-wide defaults and profile settings still control your access to standard objects like contacts and accounts. Speak with your Salesforce admin about any concerns you have about data security.

Now that you know the basics, we can get to work in the next unit by customizing a built-in PMM report.


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