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Explore Violations, Enforcement Actions, and Complaints

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Describe the process of inspection.
  • Outline the features of the Inspections Management app.
  • Explain how you can manage public complaints with Public Sector Solutions.

Inspections Management

In this unit, you explore how inspectors conduct visits by using the tools and components you saw throughout this module.

For example, let’s follow inspector Amelia Zhu, an inspector for the City of Cosville, as she conducts a site visit to Susan’s Sunshine Salon.

Amelia Zhu, the Cosville inspector.

Amelia begins her day by checking her mobile phone to see the list of scheduled visits. The home page of the Inspections Management app shows her a list of three visits scheduled for today. It also shows a map component that has the visit locations pinned. She filters the visits by priority and Susan’s spa comes up first.

Amelia selects the phone icon to call Susan and confirm the appointment. Once Amelia gets the confirmation that Susan is ready for the visit, she taps on the visit for the Sunshine Spa and Salon and starts her car. She selects Get Directions to open her mobile navigation app with the address of the salon as the destination.

  • Start Visit: Click this button once you reach the inspection site to start the timer, which records the total visit duration.
  • Tasks: List of all the assessment tasks associated with the visit.
  • Notes: Enter your observations here during the visit. You can also take notes at a task level.
  • Details: View the instructions that the compliance officer has provided for you. You can also view the inspection source record, which shows you the business application details.

Inspection Steps

When the inspector arrives at the establishment, they select Start Visit. This activates a timer to track the duration of the inspection. The inspector can then begin working through the tasks defined in the action plan.

For example, Amelia starts with the Establishment assessment task. When she taps it, she sees a progress bar showing how far along she is on the assessment, the current assessment indicator question, “Are the plumbing fixtures clean and free from cracks and disrepair?” and a picklist with Yes and No values. She can click the View Regulatory Codes button to see the associated standard and its description.

Amelia finds a crack in the restroom pipes, which unfortunately is a violation of the building inspection standards. Amelia clicks the Upload Files button and adds a photo to record her findings in the context of the task itself. She answers No to the assessment indicator question, which triggers a violation.

This screenshot shows the completed tasks in Amelia’s mobile app.

List of assessment tasks and an image of the violation in the Inspections Management mobile app.

The progress bar shows her that one out of two tasks are complete. She answers the second inspection question for the Establishment task, and the progress bar turns green all the way. How satisfying!

Amelia goes back to the Tasks list and completes the other two assessment tasks, Prohibited Products and Practices and Posting and Public Information. She takes notes and pictures to supplement her findings. She’s thrilled to no longer have to deal with her usual clipboard and paper forms.

For example, the restroom in the salon is free of chemical supplies, so Amelia selects Pass for this inspection question.

Inspection question screen.

Notice that inspectors have the option to upload files and view regulatory codes right from their mobile device.

Now, all three assessment tasks show a status of Completed, and the progress ring is green. Amelia only has one task left. She taps the Signature Capture task and records Susan’s signature and then her own signature.

A captured e-signature on the signature task.

This e-signature records acknowledgement of the inspection report.

Amelia lets Susan know about the plumbing issue and that the agency will reach out to provide next steps to gain compliance. With this, her visit is complete, and she clicks End Visit to stop the timer. This whole process used to require hours in the field and then more time back at the office to integrate the data. With Public Sector Solutions, this inspection took just over an hour. Now that’s efficient!

Violations and Enforcement Actions

Let’s return to the Cosville office where Salima gets a notification that the inspection is complete. She opens the business application record and can see the list of Regulatory Code Violations in the Unified View tab. These violations are automatically created when an inspector marks an assessment indicator as Failed. She drills down to view the details and image attachments. She can also see that Amelia has added a note that Susan is aware of the plumbing issue and will call a plumber for repairs. This makes Salima’s job easy.

On the violation record, Salima clicks New on the Violation Enforcement Actions related list. She adds an enforcement action, and for type, she selects Notice of Violation. She adds a Compliance Due Date and saves it.

Susan also gets an alert in her email that notifies her that the inspection has resulted in violations. She logs in to the web portal to check details. She clicks View Inspection History on her Dashboard view and checks out the violations.

Inspection History page in the web portal.

On this screen, Susan sees that there’s an enforcement action associated with her violation. She calls up her trusted plumber and resolves the violation. She uses Chatter to post the update and also uploads a picture of the fix as proof. In the past, constituents like Susan had to make multiple trips to the public offices to resolve such issues.

Licenses and Permits

Salima has no follow-up questions for Susan, so she sets the status of the violation enforcement action to Resolved. Once all violations and associated enforcement actions are resolved, the approval status is automatically updated to In Review. As a compliance officer, Salima can make the decision to either assign another inspection, or directly review and approve the application. She chooses to do the latter.

Salima sets the approval status to Approved, and creates a new business license. After Salima assigns this license to the application, the approval status changes to License Issued, and she completes the stage with her approval. Susan gets an alert in the portal, and she is delighted to see that her business license has been issued.

Similarly, Salima issues a Barber occupational license to Susan.

Susan is all set to open her cool salon near the beach. The people of Cosville will soon be sporting fresh new haircuts and boldly colored nails!

Public Complaints

It’s been a few months since Susan opened her business, and she is gaining momentum. But like any new business, inevitably there are kinks to work out and eventually, one customer files a complaint.

Citizens can voice their opinions using the web portal that Cosville built with Salesforce Communities and Public Sector Solutions. They can search a business by its name, license number, or type, and file a complaint that’s recorded in the system.

Janielle Sam is the concerned customer who files a complaint to report that the nail technician used dirty instruments during her visit. Here’s a screenshot of that complaint record.

The File a Complaint page in the web portal.

On this complaint intake screen, Janielle can upload a picture of the unclean instruments.

After Janielle submits the complaint, Diego and Salima receive alerts in the system. They begin the process of reviewing the complaint, planning the inspection, and notifying Amelia. To address this complaint, the city officials assess, inspect, and record any violations, using the same app features and processes. Salima uses the Unified View tab on the Public Complaint record page to drill down to the associated Visit, Violations, and Enforcement Actions records.

Susan is mortified to learn about the complaint. After all, she’s trying to run the best salon in Cosville. She pays a penalty fee and orders a set of brand new tools to resolve the issue.

Thanks to Public Sector Solutions, public sector agencies have complete visibility into public complaints and grievances. They can address issues and enforce actions to ensure welfare of constituents and streamline their own processes.

In this module, you saw how Public Sector Solutions facilitates authorizations. With a seamless experience from the web portal, to the application review, to the inspection mobile app, resolving complaints, and enforcing compliance actions, all systems and repositories of data are now well-connected and secure.


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