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Get B2C Commerce Customer Support

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Describe two types of customer support portal users.
  • List two ways you can contact support.
  • Explain what happens after you escalate a problem.
  • List four ways you can view support cases.
  • List three possible reasons for an escalation.

Customer Support User Types

Cloud Kicks, like many Salesforce B2C Commerce merchants, has multiple customer support portal users. Most of them are general Cloud Kicks users such as merchandisers or marketing managers, while a few are designated support contacts such as Linda Rosenberg, the Cloud Kicks administrator.

Community User

Standard Salesforce community users can read and comment on existing cases in the support knowledge base. They can:

  • Access Support Knowledge Base articles
  • View open cases
  • Add public case comments

Designated Support Contacts 

Only a few people (three to five) in an organization are chosen as a designated support contact (DSC). A merchant’s management decides who is selected. DSCs like Linda are responsible for:

  • Creating support tickets
  • Overseeing support case activity
  • Developing and deploying code troubleshooting processes within their organization
  • Resolving password reset, username, and lockout issues for their users

Fast, Expert Response

Equipped with a Premier Success Plan, Linda gets fast, expert responses to her questions and issues. That means 24x7 support for severity 1 cases, which are worked until resolution. 

The easiest way for Linda to submit a case is through the Commerce Cloud Support portal. She can also call support and connect with an agent.

Here’s how you can contact support.

  • Online: Submit a case online through the Salesforce Help experience.
  • Via phone: Get phone support in English 24/7 for severity level 1 issues. For all other issues, get phone support Monday through Friday during normal business hours, excluding holidays.

The portal is a great way to escalate, document, and track issues. It’s the official system for technical support and problem escalation for merchants and partners.

Here’s how to open a support case.

  1. Open the Salesforce Help page.
    The Salesforce Help page
  2. Click the Contact Support tab.
  3. Click Create a Case.
  4. Click Product or Technical Support.
    Enter info about your new case.
  5. Enter or select the details.
    • Impacted Account
    • Org ID or MID
    • Details
    • Description
    • Business Impact (select)
    • Timezone (select)
    • Severity (select)
  6. Attach relevant documents such as screenshots and logs via the Attach File button.

Vijay is an experienced developer who understands that the more details he provides, the faster things will get resolved. Providing the right information in a support case is a critical first step to effective and efficient problem solving. It minimizes the amount of back and forth needed to clarify the issue and reach a faster resolution. 

Manage Cases

Linda manages her support cases with the list views. She simply logs into the portal and clicks the CMY Cases tab. 

A case is the record of an issue from submission to resolution. Each case has a unique case number. All communication on an issue must be within the case and not in outside emails or chat. Keeping everything in one place ensures that all interested parties have the same information. This goes a long way to help speed up a resolution. 

Linda can create or edit a case comment from two places: Case detail page and Case edit page

For a Case Detail page:

  1. Click New or Edit on the Case Comments related list.
  2. Optionally, select Public to enable comment notifications to the contact on the case, and to let the contact view the comment on the Customer Portal or Self-Service.
  3. Type comments in Comment.
  4. Click Save.

For a Case Edit page.

  1. Click New on the Cases tab to create a case, or select an existing case and click Edit.
  2. Enter comments in Internal Comments.
  3. Optionally, select Send Customer Notification to email the case contact of your new public comment.
  4. Click Save.

An email is sent to the case owner whenever a case comment is created.

Escalate a Case

Sometimes too much time has passed since Linda opened a case, or a problem (or its financial impact) has worsened. Linda can escalate the case for more immediate attention once the Service Level Agreement (SLA) initial response time has concluded. This allows Salesforce Support Engineers the time necessary to evaluate her issue and perform an initial analysis.

Here’s how to escalate a case.

  1. Open Salesforce Help.
  2. Scroll down and click Contact Support.
  3. Click the MyCases tab.
  4. Click the case number you want to draw attention to.
  5. Click Escalate Case.

Initial Escalation Time Frames

But what if the Escalate Case button isn't there? Good question. The Escalate Case button appears after a certain number of hours, depending on your success plan.

Success plan Time for the button to appear
Premier & Premier+
  • For Severity 1 cases - 1 hour after case creation
  • For Severity 2 cases - 2 hours after case creation
  • For Severity 3 cases - 4 hours after case creation
  • For Severity 4 cases - 8 hours after case creation
For all severity levels, the Escalate Case appears after 48 hours of case creation. If the Escalate Case button isn't available, Linda can comment to the case requesting that the case is expedited.

Escalate Further?

What does Linda do when she needs to escalate the case further or engage Technical Support Management? First, she makes sure that she has escalated the case using the Escalate Case button. If she needs to escalate further, she calls Support at the numbers listed here and informs Support that she’d like a call back from the Support Manager.

Let’s Sum It Up

In this unit, you learned about the types of support users and ways they can contact customer support. You learned how to log, escalate, view, and resolve support cases. You also learned some possible reasons for an escalation. 


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