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I noticed that components respond to the force:refreshView event long after they have been removed from view. I wrote some test components that I placed on the Contact, Account, and Opportunity related list pages. If I navigate to a record of each type, they all continue to respond to the refreshView event. In fact, if I navigate to different accounts or contacts, each one continues to repsond to the refreshView event. I have found that it keeps a maximum of 4 components active in the background before actually destroying (unrendering) them.

In some components, we reload data on the refreshView event. Is there a way to know that reload of data is a waste of time?

Here is my test contact component:

<aura:component implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes">

    <aura:handler event="force:refreshView" action="{!c.refreshData}" />

    <ui:button label="Fire" press="{!c.buttonClick}" class="slds-button slds-button--neutral" />




    buttonClick : function(component, event, helper) {



    refreshData : function(component, event, helper) {

        alert('Contact data refreshed');



The other components simply have the alert text change to reflect the location of the component.
1 个回答
  1. 2017年8月11日 12:20
    According to the SF development team, this is expected behavior. I can sort of understand why. If you switch away from a tab and the refresh event is raised, that tab needs to be updated in case it is displayed again.

    What I do NOT understand, is why this event is raised for components after the current record is navigated away from. We are hitting the 100-SOQL-query limit because of this bug. There needs to be an event that is raised when a component is removed from view or the component should be destroyed immediately.

    I created an Idea for this