收藏Jeff Stevens (JeffreyDStevens.com) (AutoAlert) 提问于 #Lightning Experience2015年9月21日 19:16Process Builder - editingTrying to use Lightning Process Builder. Just making sure I understand - there is no way to EDIT an existing-activated process - correct? We have to clone it, and then change the clone and activate that clone?Thanks2 个回答排序按最有帮助排序按最有帮助排序按日期排序已采纳的回答William Tran (TranConsulting Inc (william@tranconsultinginc.com))2015年9月21日 19:29Yes, that is the process.ThxKapil Dev Arora2017年1月14日 12:25Well there should be a way to edit the existing version(I know there isn't), what problems it might create? am I missing something here?撰写回答...粗体斜体下划线删除线项目符号列表编号列表添加链接代码块插入图像附加文件链接 URL取消保存0/9000回复
已采纳的回答William Tran (TranConsulting Inc (william@tranconsultinginc.com))2015年9月21日 19:29Yes, that is the process.Thx
Kapil Dev Arora2017年1月14日 12:25Well there should be a way to edit the existing version(I know there isn't), what problems it might create? am I missing something here?