Hi all!
We use the free Mailchimp integration to manage email subscriptions which is working okay but we have a couple of contacts who are subscribed to different audiences with different email addresses. Does anyone have any tips on how to manage this?
I would like to keep all the contact information on one record and we do have separate fields for personal and work emails, so I am hoping we can manage content for each email separately and without it becoming too messy!
This isn't just a MailChimp issue - most bulk email tools are designed to recognize a single email address per contact/lead record in Salesforce.
The first step in working around this is to evaluate why people need dual subscriptions to different addresses. For instance, one client found this exclusively hit on media clients (people who they want to send media releases to one address and personal/donor emails to another).
This media scenario was one where we decided that it was best to intentionally duplicate these. As much as the word 'duplicate' makes admins cringe, it made sense here since the person's media persona was so different than their personal life persona, they effectively were different people when it came to segmenting, engagement, etc.
@Cyndy Ferguson It sounds like you're talking about on the Salesforce contact record. I'm looking for a way to organize intentional duplicates contact records in Mailchimp. I only want one contact record per person in Salesforce.
You could create a checkbox or picklist field on the contact record that indicates which type of contact they are: Donor Contact, News Contact. Then when segmenting, you can add this field as a filter to capture the exact contact record you wish.
@Elaina Buzzell I'm having the exact same issue. We want news communications to go to one email address and donor communications to another email address for a lot of our contacts. We have decided to go to the intentional duplication route, but we are trying to decide between having a separate audience for news communications and donor emails versus one audience with different tags. We're leaning toward two audiences because the first and last name will be the same and it could get confusing having a bunch of duplicate names in one audience. Having done this process before, do you have any thoughts?
Hi @Lydia Scott. I hope you are doing well.
Given the limitations of the MailChimp to Salesforce integration, we highly recommend to clients that they should use only one Audience and separate via tags, as the MailChimp integration doesn't display information on different audiences well.
As for having multiple emails and one contact, I'm not sure how this would work as I think MC only reads the Email field which is pre-populated by which email field is chosen in the Preferred Email picklist. We have seen customers change the Preferred Email field to get different stats, before changing back again but that's not a particularly elegant solution.