- Org is a classic org. Community is on Lightning. Hence we still use Attachments & not Content Libraries.
- Community user has read access on Object A which is on the master side of Master Detail Relationship with Object B.
- So sharing to object B is controlled by the parent, A.
- I have created a ligtning component to allow Community Users to download a specific document upload in Notes & Attachments of Object B
<a href="{!'/communityname/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file=00P0p000000hzjNEAQ'}" target="_blank">Download</a>
- When the community user clicks the link, a "Insufficient Access" message is shown.
- The community user has Read access to object A via a sharing set and hence is able to see records related to object A in the community.
My assumption was since object B's access is controlled via parent (A), community user should be able to see the attachment of B automatically. However that is not the case. I have even tried giving Edit access (as sugested by a few community users) on Object A to see if that works but its doesn't.
What else am I missing here and how can the community user access the attachment. The link works for an admin.
5 answers
Hi Gautam,