采用设计师的方法在 Salesforce 上构建应用程序。
Discover how design can help build better relationships with customers and communities.
Learn how organizations can use values to drive their design and build processes.
Improve your solution design by mapping how customers experience your product or service.
Find solutions for your business and learn how to install them in your org.
以 Salesforce 管理员身份管理您的项目
Learn from Walden University how project management methodologies are put into practices.
Learn from Walden University how to manage scope, schedule, and risk in your projects.
Discover two workflows that Salesforce teams use for agile development.
完成管理员 Superset
作为经验丰富的 Salesforce 管理员,维护信任并解决复杂的业务挑战。
Enhance your Salesforce data with Apex classes, objects, DML, sets, and loops.
Use scenarios and interactive flashcards to study for the admin certification exam.
Use scenarios and interactive flashcards to study for the admin certification exam.
Use scenarios and interactive flashcards to study for the admin certification exam.
为 Salesforce 生态系统中的机会做好准备。
Use storytelling to make your meetings, communications, and presentations more compelling.
Craft a standout resume that helps you land your dream job.
解决 Salesforce 管理员面临的最大挑战。您将学习如何在考虑设计的前提下构建应用程序,轻松管理项目,解决实施挑战,并探索编码要领。在此学习路径中,您将获得沟通、客户支持、数据分析、敏捷软件开发、日程安排、产品开发、流程工程等方面的技能。