Use Lightning Web Components
Learn best practices for building apps with Lightning Web Components.
Install developer tools for building Lightning web components.
Explore different approaches to communicating between Lightning web components.
Learn best practices for building performant Lightning Web Components.
Develop Lightning web components that interact with data in your Salesforce org.
Test and Troubleshoot Your Lightning Experience
Learn critical tests and troubleshooting best practices you can apply to ensure quality user experiences.
Learn basic troubleshooting techniques for Lightning web components using Chrome DevTools.
Assess and troubleshoot performance issues in Lightning web components.
Investigate network performance and browser memory issues in Lightning web components.
Assess Your Lightning Web Component Skills
Solve complex experience challenges with Lightning Web Components.
Showcase your mastery of Lightning Web Components by building a sophisticated app.
NEXT: Secure Your App
Continue on your learning journey by tackling security next!
Build your web experience using Lightning Web Components. You’ll learn how to use lightning web components, test and troubleshoot, and solve complex problems using these tools. In this trail, you gain skills in framework development, process improvement, and user interface and user experience design. Dive deeper into Salesforce Development by tackling app security after you’ve completed this trail.