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Use Salesforce Data in Apex Code

We use SOQL to query a Salesforce org and use its data with our code. In this step, we use SOQL to get information about the product that we want to add as the bonus orderItem.

An icon representing the Salesforce Orders object with an arrow labeled SOQL pointing to a table of data matching your query.

Add SOQL to Get Data from Salesforce

  1. In your class, under the comment //TO DO 3.1 (near line 5), paste this code:
    // Use SOQL to get the ID of the bonus bouquet and store it in an sObject variable called bonusProduct
    List<Product2> bonusProductList = [SELECT Id, ProductCode FROM Product2 WHERE ProductCode = 'BOT-BB-12'];
    Product2 bonusProduct = new Product2();
    if(bonusProductList.size() > 0) {
        bonusProduct = bonusProductList[0];
        // Use SOQL to get the price book entry ID associated with the bonusProduct and store it in an sObject variable called entry
        // Every Product has an assosiated PricebookEntry
        List<PricebookEntry> entryList = [SELECT Id, Product2Id FROM PricebookEntry WHERE Product2Id = :bonusProduct.Id];
        PricebookEntry entry = new PricebookEntry();
        if(entryList.size() > 0) {
            entry = entryList[0];

What are we doing here?

First, we use SOQL to get the ID and ProductCode for the bouquet product that has the product code BOT-BB-12, and store the ID in a list called bonusProductList. Then we check the number of items in bonusProductList. If there is at least one value in the list, we define a new Product2 sObject, called bonusProduct, and assign the first sObject in the bonusProductList list to it.


The numbering of items in a list always starts with 0, so bonusProductList[0] refers to the first item in the list.

Next, we use another SOQL query to get the ID of the PricebookEntry for the bonusProduct. We store the PricebookEntry ID in a PricebookEntry list called entryList.

Finally, we check the number of items in entryList. If there is at least one value in the list, then we define a new PricebookEntry sObject, called entry, and assign the first sObject in the entryList list to it.

Use DML to Send Data to Salesforce

If you completed the Object-Oriented Programming for Admins module, you might remember that DML is the data manipulation language that we use to send data to a Salesforce org. As an admin, you know DML as the Insert (create a record), Update (edit a record), and Delete (delete a record) statements that you use with data manipulation tools, such as Data Loader.

We’ve created one or more free bouquets and added them to a list. But they exist only in Apex code. We haven’t saved anything to the Salesforce org. We use DML to do that.

A bouquet of flowers labeled OrderItem sObject with an arrow labeled DML pointing to an OrderItem icon within a cloud labeled Record saved in Salesforce OrderItem object.

  1. In your class, under the comment //TO DO 3.2, paste this code:
    insert newBouquets;
  2. Under the comment //TO DO 2.4, remove the comment characters ( // ) from the line that reads: //PricebookEntryId =,
  3. Finally, we need to end the if statement (the code that runs if we determine we have a bonus bouquet).
    In your class, under the comment //TO DO 3.3, paste this code:
    } //end if
  4. Save your class.

Now your class should look like this:

//Create the class
  public class OrderItemUtility {
      //Create the method that will add free bonus bouquet when order is activated
      public static void addBonusBouquet(List<Order> ordersFromTrigger) {
          //TO DO 3.1: Determine if we have a bonus product and get its ID to add to the order
          // Use SOQL to get the ID of the bonus bouquet and store it in an sObject variable called bonusProduct
          List<Product2> bonusProductList = [SELECT Id, ProductCode FROM Product2 WHERE ProductCode = 'BOT-BB-12'];
          Product2 bonusProduct = new Product2();
          if(bonusProductList.size() > 0) {
              bonusProduct = bonusProductList[0];
              // Use SOQL to get the price book entry ID associated with the bonusProduct and store it in an sObject variable called entry
              // Every Product has an assosiated PricebookEntry
              List<PricebookEntry> entryList = [SELECT Id, Product2Id FROM PricebookEntry WHERE Product2Id = :bonusProduct.Id];
              PricebookEntry entry = new PricebookEntry();
              if(entryList.size() > 0) {
                  entry = entryList[0];
              //TO DO 2.1: Create a list to store any new bouquets we'll insert later
              List<OrderItem> newBouquets = new List<OrderItem>();
              //TO DO 2.2: Loop over orders in ordersFromTrigger, for each order (called currentOrder) do something
              for(Order currentOrder : ordersFromTrigger) {
                  //TO DO 2.3: Verify the order status is 'Activated'
                  if(currentOrder.Status == 'Activated') {
                      //TO DO 2.4: Create a new bouquet and set values
                      OrderItem freeBouquet = new OrderItem(
                          OrderId =, //this is the order we're linking the bouquet to
                          PricebookEntryId =,
                          numberOfFlowers__c = 3,
                          description = 'FREE Bouquet',
                          Quantity = 1,
                          colorTheme__c = 'Spectacular Sunset',
                          percentOfOpening__c = 0,
                          UnitPrice = 0.00
                      //TO DO 2.5: Add the freeBouquet sObject to your list
                  //TO DO 2.6: Close the "if" and "for loop" sections
                  } //end if
              } //end for loop
              //TO DO 3.2: Use DML to add the new bouquet to the Order
              insert newBouquets;
          //TO DO 3.3: Close the if section
          } //end if
      } //end method
  } //end class


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