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Get Ready for Life on Mars

Somewhere Rover the Rainbow

Far away on Mars, the rover is ready to work with us to find the ideal location for Trailhead basecamp. We have to be ready to jump on the right opportunity, so we want to make sure we don’t miss a single message from anywhere within the asteroid belt. Let’s test our communications uplink!

Note: You must create at least one new Communication record in order to complete this step.

  1. Click the App Launcher App Launcher icon .
  2. Enter Communications in the Search apps and items... box and select Communications.
  3. Click New.
  4. Give the record any name, and fill out all fields with values you choose.
  5. Click Save & New.
  6. Create a few more records with different options. Be sure to select a different number each time.
  7. Click the App Launcher App Launcher icon .
  8. Enter Groups in the Search apps and items... box and select Groups.
  9. Select Life on Mars.
  10. View the Chatter posts that the rover created.

You did it! You established communications with space and now you’re ready to receive all the latest listings for the best places to live on Mars, straight from the rover.

And get ready to enjoy all that extra time! Here’s a fun way to spend 40 bonus minutes. Create some of your own messages for the rover and add your own nouns, adjectives, and verbs to the picklists. There’s a solar system of opportunity out there.

See you on the red planet, Trailblazers!


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