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Publish the API Specification

Now that the API specification works without errors, let’s publish it! Publishing enables you and anyone with valid privileges to read and use it. 

First, go back to the Mocking Service Configuration, and in the Service Settings click the blue slider with the check mark in the Make Public section to deactivate the mocking service.

Next, follow these steps to publish your API specification.

  1. Click Publish.
    Design Center screen with arrow pointing to Publish button.
  2. In the dialog box, enter the following values.
    • Asset version: 1.0.0
    • API version: Leave as is
      Note: v1.0 appears because it was already specified in the RAML code you’re about to publish.
  1. Click Publish to Exchange.
    Publish to Exchange dialog box with fields for Asset version, API version, LifeCycle State picklist, and Publish to Exchange button.

You did it! You built, tested, and shared your API specification on MuleSoft Anypoint Platform.


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