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Create an Order with Products

All your work setting up the Salesforce framework for the International Sales team has paid off. Now you can create some orders. And since an order requires a contract number, create the contract first.

Create a Contract and an Order

  1. Click App Launcher icon to open the App Launcher, and then select Contracts.
  2. Click New and enter these details:



    Account Name

    Select Boy Scouts of the Southwest .

    Contract Start Date

    Enter the first day of next month

    Contract Term (months)


  3. Click Save.
  4. Record the contract number.
    Contract screen with Contract Number highlighted.

Now that you’ve created the contract, you can create the order.

  1. Click App Launcher icon to open the App Launcher, and then select Orders.
  2. Click New and enter the details.



    Account Name

    Select Boy Scouts of the Southwest .

    Order Start Date

    Enter the first day of next month.

    Contract Number

    Select or input the contract number that you created in the previous topic.

  3. Click Save.

Next, add a product to the order from the Nonprofit price book.

  1. In the Order Products section, click Add Products.
  2. For Price Book, select Nonprofit.
  3. Click Save.
  4. For the GreenSun product name, click the checkbox.
  5. Click Next.
  6. For Quantity, enter 10.
  7. Click Save. You’ve created an order!
    Screen showing the order that you created.

You’re done! And you definitely accomplished a lot. You created and customized a couple of solar products and created custom pricing in multiple currencies. You added products to price books and opportunities. You controlled access to price books by changing organization-wide settings. Finally, you created quotes and orders. With all this in place, the International Sales team at Ursa Major Solar is set up for success.



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