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Deliver CRM Analytics Where People Work in Lightning Experience

Learning Objectives

In this project, you’ll:

  • Embed a dashboard in a Lightning Experience home page.
  • Embed a dashboard in a Lightning Experience account page.
  • Use a filter to show only data that’s relevant for a particular record.

Question: What’s Better Than CRM Analytics Dashboards?

With CRM Analytics Studio, you can create and share CRM Analytics dashboards with almost anyone or everyone in your org. All they need to do is to use the App Launcher to open Analytics Studio and then open a dashboard.

Dashboards for My DTC Sales app in Analytics Studio

But sharing this way means that your dashboards are kind of hiding behind a wall. Out of sight, out of mind. Your dashboards are awesome. Wouldn’t they be more awesome if you could put them right where your teams are working?

Answer: CRM Analytics Dashboards Available Wherever You Work

After you develop those awesome CRM Analytics dashboards, don’t stop there. You can deliver CRM Analytics functionality wherever you normally work in Salesforce, and even elsewhere.

You might have a great sales dashboard that deserves a place on the home page of your org. Or an opportunity dashboard that can be really useful on account pages.

How about embedding a chart in an app? Or even bringing it to an external website?

With CRM Analytics, you can put all those great dashboards right where you and users do their daily work. That way, you can do analytics right from the comfort of your usual Salesforce pages—without even opening Analytics Studio.

Embed in Lightning Experience and Beyond

The easiest (and probably most useful) way to embed is in Lightning Experience. That used to be hard, involving finicky details such as writing JSON. Now it’s just clicks in the UI. We show you that here, because it’s the quickest path to success. We also show you a few advanced techniques that can make embedded dashboards even more useful by creating special filters.

Going beyond that point requires developer skills, but there’s almost no limit to what you can do.

  • Add dashboards to external web pages.
  • Embed CRM Analytics functionality in Salesforce or third-party apps. For example, an app can include the results of a query; using events, CRM Analytics then notifies or updates the app in response to changes in the query results.
  • Add fine-grained access to CRM Analytics functionality in external apps.
  • Use Salesforce Query Language (SAQL) to write unique data queries, either inside or outside the CRM Analytics platform.

Sign Up for a Developer Edition Org with CRM Analytics

To complete this project, you need a special Developer Edition org that contains a limited CRM Analytics platform license and our sample data. Get the free Developer Edition and connect it to Trailhead now so you can complete the challenges in this project.

  1. Sign up for a free CRM Analytics–enabled Developer Edition org.
  2. Fill out the form.
  3. After you fill out the form, click Sign me up. A confirmation message appears.
  4. When you receive the activation email (which can take a few minutes), open it and click Verify Account.
  5. Complete your registration by setting your password and a challenge question.



Write down your username, password, and login URL for easy access later.

You are logged in to your Developer Edition org. Now connect your new Developer Edition org to Trailhead.

  1. Make sure you’re logged in to your Trailhead account.
  2. In the Challenge section at the bottom of this page, click the playground name and then click Connect Org.
  3. On the login screen, enter the username and password for the Developer Edition org you just set up.
  4. On the Allow Access? screen, click Allow.
  5. On the Want to connect this org for hands-on challenges? screen, click Yes! Save it.

You are redirected back to the challenge page and ready to use your new Developer Edition to earn this badge.


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