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Update Contact Record with Individual Field

The next step (we know, we know... we’re almost done with the flow creation) is to update the Individual field on the user’s contact record, associating it to the record that stores the customer’s communication preferences. 

  1. On the path after the Create Individual element, click Add Element. Select the Update Records element. (Watch the Data Elements video to learn more.)
  2. For Label, enter Update Contact with Individual. The API Name field is automatically populated based on this entry, and is Update_Contact_with_Individual.
  3. Select Specify conditions to identify records, and set fields individually.
  4. For Object, select Contact.
  5. For Condition Requirements to Update Records, select All Conditions Are Met (AND).
    • Field: Id
    • Operator: Equals
    • Value: select UserInfo, then select ContactId
  1. Under Set Field Values for the Contact Records, select the following.
    • Field: IndividualId
    • Value: individualId
  1. Save the flow.



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