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此徽章需要一个新的自定义 Data Cloud and Einstein AI Playground

您完成此徽章或需要 Data Cloud and Einstein AI Playground 的任意其他徽章的时间有限。如果超出时间,您将失去此 Playground 的访问权限并可能需要重新开始。

Enhance Agentforce to Act on Data with Conversational Language

Give the Warmest of Welcomes

Every day at Coral Cloud Resorts, guests arrive having traveled from around the globe, and they’re usually ready to start relaxing. But before they can, they have to check in with the front desk. So Becca is going to make that last little hurdle as effortless as possible for her staff so that guests can begin vacationing ASAP.

Whenever a check-in occurs, Coral Cloud staff logs the event by creating a record on a custom object named Guest Event. They use it to track a lot of things, like when guests request housekeeping or when guests attend a social activity. Right now staff must manually create the check-in record, but Becca sees two ways to level up the process. First, she uses a flow to create a Guest Event record based on the latest reservation data in Data Cloud. Second, she teaches Agentforce how to launch the flow through conversational language. So when Sofia Rodriguez arrives to begin her stay, whoever is at the front desk can simply ask Agentforce to “check in Sofia Rodriguez” and Agentforce does the rest!

Agentforce conversation pane with a request and response.

Finish a Flow to Log Guest Events

Thanks to Data Cloud, Becca has all the information required to make a flow that starts with a contact, like Sofia Rodriguez, and creates a record based on reservation data. However, the path between the two is a little twisty. As you learned in the previous step, identity resolution automatically creates bridging objects that connect related Data Model Objects. In order to make the check-in flow, Becca has to cross one of those bridges, twice.

The bridge in question is named Unified Link Individual ccid, which connects the Sofia in Salesforce to the Sofia in Reserv-o-matic. Here’s a simplified version of the data in that bridge.

Full Name

Data Source

Source ID

Unified ID

Sofia Rodriguez


003bn000002FILwAAO [1]


Sofi Rodriguez


10008155 [2]


Notice that the Unified ID is the same for both Sofias. So if you know Sofia’s Salesforce ID [1], you can find her Reserv-o-matic ID [2] by way of the Unified ID. That’s important because reservations are only tied to guests by the Reserv-o-matic ID. Here’s a simplified version of that.

Contact ID

Check-in Date

Check-out Date

Room Type

Reservation Status

10008155 [2]





10008155 [2]





10008155 [2]





With all of that in mind, let’s break down what the flow does.

  • Knowing the Source ID from Salesforce [1], query the bridge to find the Unified ID.
  • Knowing the Unified ID, query the bridge again to find the Reserv-o-matic ID [2].
  • Knowing the Reserv-o-matic ID [2], query the reservation data to find the latest reservation details.
  • Knowing the latest reservation details, update a flow variable with the details.
  • Create a Guest Event record for check-in using the variable.

It sounds like a lot, but we have good news for you: Team Trailhead has already created most of the flow. The remaining parts involve objects that only exist now that you’ve created data streams and set up identity resolution. So let’s finish that flow!


Note that the steps below contain a lot of detail, but don’t discuss every field because there are so many. When a field is not mentioned in a set of steps, leave it as is.

  1. Click the Setup icon, then click Setup.
  2. Type flows in the search, then click Flows (under Process Automation).
  3. Click Create Check-in Guest Event.
  4. Click the Unified Link 1 element, then click Edit Element.
  5. For Data Source, choose Data Cloud Object.
  6. For Data Space, choose default.
  7. For Object, choose Unified Link Individual ccid.
    Be sure to choose the right object, there are a few that have similar names.

Object selection list.

  1. In the Filter Records section, for Field, choose SourceRecordId__c.
    This is the actual name of the Source ID column in the first table.
  2. For Value, choose the variable ContactRecordId.
    ContactRecordId is a variable Team Trailhead created in advance. It just represents the Salesforce ID of the contact record.

Value selection list.

  1. Click Save.

OK, the flow has pinpointed the first record in the Unified Link table. Time to use the Unified ID from that record to find the Reserv-o-matic ID.

  1. Click the Unified Link 2 element, then click Edit Element.
  2. For Data Source, choose Data Cloud Object.
  3. For Data Space, choose default.
  4. For Object, choose Unified Link Individual ccid.
    This is in fact the same object from the first element.
  5. In the Filter Records section, for Field, choose UnifiedRecordId__c.
    This is the actual name of the Unified ID column from the first table.
  6. For Value, copy and paste {!Unified_Link_1.UnifiedRecordId__c}.
    This is a pointer to the Unified ID from the first query. When you click away from the Value, the text is replaced with a placeholder.

Filter section of the Get Record Flow element.

  1. Click Add Condition.
  2. For Field, choose ssot__DataSourceObjectId__c.
  3. For Operator, choose Starts With.
  4. For Value, type External.

Condition section of the Get Record Flow element.

The Data Lake Object is really called ExternalReservation, not Reserv-o-matic like in the simplified table. By adding this extra condition the flow will ignore Sofia’s Salesforce ID and find 10008155 from the first table.

  1. Click Save.

Now that you know Sofia’s Reserv-o-matic ID, you can find her most recent reservation.

  1. Click the Reservation 1 element, then click Edit Element.
  2. For Data Source, choose Data Cloud Object.
  3. For Data Space, choose default.
  4. For Object, choose ExternalReservation.
  5. In the Filter Records section, for Field choose Contact_ID_c__c.
  6. For Value, copy and paste {!Unified_Link_2.SourceRecordId__c}.
    This is a pointer to the previous query.
  7. For Sort Order, choose Descending.
  8. For Sort By, choose Check_in_Date_c__c.
  9. Click Save.

Sorting in this way puts the most recent reservation at the top of the results, so it’s used for the rest of the flow. The final piece of the puzzle is to use the reservation details to set the value of a variable (EventSummary), which is ultimately placed into a new Guest Event record.

  1. Click the Event Summary element, then click Edit Element.
  2. For Value, copy and paste the following:
    Check-in date of {!Reservation_1.Check_in_Date_c__c}, check-out date of {!Reservation_1.Check_out_Date_c__c}, for room type {!Reservation_1.Room_type_c__c}.
  3. Click outside the Value box so the Save button becomes available, then click Save.
  4. Click Activate.
  5. Close the Flow tab to return to the Setup tab.

Great job shaping up the flow. It was a bit of work, but it’ll pay off almost immediately once Agentforce knows how to use it.

Create a Check-in Agentforce Action

There’s more good news for you: setting up Agentforce to use a flow is super easy.

  1. Click the Setup icon Setup icon , then click Setup.
  2. In the Quick Find box, type Einstein Setup, then click Einstein Setup.
  3. Toggle the Turn on Einstein switch to On.

Enable Einstein toggle.

  1. In the Quick Find box, type Einstein Sales, then click Einstein for Sales.
  2. Sales Emails may already be enabled in your org, but if not, toggle the Turn on Sales Emails switch to Enabled. It may take some time to set things up, but you can continue on in the meantime. After a few minutes, you may need to refresh your browser to clear the setup alert.

Enable Sales Emails toggle.

  1. In the Quick Find box, type agent, and then click Agents under Agent Studio. If you can’t find the Agents page, refresh the browser and try again.
  2. Toggle the Agentforce switch to On.

Enable Agentforce toggle.

  1. Refresh the browser.
  2. In the Quick Find box, type agent, then click Agent Actions.
  3. Click + New Agent Action.
  4. For Reference Action Type, choose Flow.
  5. For Reference Action, choose Create Check-in Guest Event.
  6. Click Next.
    Let’s take a moment to look at what Agentforce brings in from the flow. Most importantly, the flow has a well-defined description, which is placed into the Agentforce Action Instructions. The variables have good descriptions too, placed into the input and output instructions. These are critical for Agentforce to understand the purpose of the flow, and how it should be used. Kudos to Becca for following best practices and documenting her work well!

Einstein Copilot Action setup dialog.

  1. Deselect Show loading text for this action.
  2. Under Input, check Require input.
  3. Under Output, check Show in conversation.
  4. Click Finish.
    Your new action is finished, but we need to add it to Agentforce.
  5. With agent still in the Quick Find box, click Agents.
  6. Click Einstein Copilot.

Einstein Copilots list.

  1. Click Open in Builder.
    Ensure your assistant isn’t active, it should show an Activate button. If it shows a Deactivate button, click Deactivate.
  2. From Topics, click MigrationDefaultTopic.

Topics section of Agent Builder with an arrow pointing to MigrationDefaultTopic.

  1. Click This Topic’s Actions.

Topic Details with an arrow pointing to This Topic’s Actions.

  1. Click New, then select Add from Asset Library.

Agent Builder with actions tab displayed.

  1. Check the Create Check-in Guest Event box and click Finish.
  2. Click Activate.
  3. Close the Agent Builder tab to return to the Sales app.

That’s it, Agentforce is ready to help check in guests. The only thing left is to try it out. You may already have the Sofia Rodriguez contact open, so navigate to the Home tab as though you’re starting from the beginning of check-in.

  1. In the Sales app, click the Home tab.
  2. Refresh the browser window.
  3. Click the Agentforce icon to open the Agentforce panel.

Agentforce icon

  1. In the Agentforce panel, type Tell me about the Sofia Rodriguez contact, then press enter.
    This step isn’t strictly necessary, but it illustrates Agentforce’s ability to find and summarize a record.
  2. Click the link for Sofia Rodriguez.
    This brings you to Sofia’s contact record. If Agentforce didn’t reply with a link to the record (which sometimes happens in our training environment), just navigate to her contact record.
  3. In the Agentforce panel, type Check in Sofia Rodriguez, then press enter.
    After a few moments, the Agentforce agent should respond that check-in is complete, along with some details of the check-in. The Guest Event record was created too.
  4. Scroll down to find the Guest Events related list, then click the new GE record.

Guest Event related list.

Great, the check-in event is captured just as expected.

  1. Close the Agentforce panel.

Phase 2 of Becca’s plan is a success. The resort staff loves how easy it is to check-in guests, and the social coordinator is already asking Becca to teach Agentforce how to create Guest Events for his activities.

The final phase is to use Prompt Builder to craft personalized welcome emails with only a couple of clicks.


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