此徽章需要一个新的自定义 Agentforce Playground
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Create a User Record for Your Agent
Your SDR agent operates as a user in Salesforce, with the same reporting, record keeping, and management as other users. To make this happen, you need to create a specific type of user and assign the appropriate permissions.
- In the section titled Step 2: Create an SDR Agent User of the Agentforce SDR Setup page, click Go to User Setup to create a new user.
- A new tab opens allowing you to create a new user. Populate new user fields as follows:
- First Name:
- Last Name:
- Alias: auto-populates
- Email: Enter your email address
- Username: sdr + <your initials> + <today’s date> + <your favorite color> + @thsdr.com
The username must be unique.
- Nickname auto-populates
- Company:
- User License: Einstein Agent
- Profile: Einstein Agent User
- First Name:
- Click Save. Your agent’s user record has been created. You can close this tab and navigate back to the Agentforce SDR Setup tab.
- In the section titled Step 2: Create an SDR Agent User of the Agentforce SDR Setup page, click Go to Permission Sets.
- This opens the Permission Sets page of the Agentforce SDR agent. Click Add Assignments.
- Select the checkbox for Agent, SDR, click Assign, and click Done. You have now added the Agentforce SDR agent permission set to your Agent user. Close this tab and return to the Agentforce SDR Setup tab.
- In the section titled Step 2: Create an SDR Agent, click Go to EAC Settings.
- An Einstein Activity Capture tab opens, allowing you to configure and set up the syncing of sales reps’ emails and calendars with Salesforce. Click Add Contact and Event Sync.
- Leave Google G Suite selected and click Next.
- Select User Level and click Next.
- In the Name field, enter:
SDR Agent Config
- Leave the description field blank, and click Next. Note: These steps are for the purposes of this exercise. If setting this up in your environment, adjust these settings to fit your company’s goals and expectations.
- Leave the Review Sync Settings as is, and click Next.
- Leave Advance Settings as is, and click Next.
- On the Add Users and Profile screen, move SDR Agent from Available to Selected, and click Next.
- Click Finish. You have now configured Einstein Activity Capture to work with Google G Suite. You can close this tab and navigate back to the Agentforce SDR Setup tab.
Grant Users Access to Use the Agent
There are additional permission sets that grant access to configure and use the agent. For this example, you need to grant yourself the ability to configure and use our agent.
- In Step 3: Grant Access to Your SDR Agent of the Agentforce SDR Setup page, click Go to Permission Sets. The first one next to the Identify Managers for your SDR Agent title.
- This opens the Permission Sets page for the Configure Agentforce SDR agent. Click Add Assignments.
- Select the checkbox next to your name (this is your username, not the SDR Agent User you created), click Assign, and click Done. You have now granted yourself the ability to configure the agent. You can close this tab and return to the Agentforce SDR Setup tab where you'll give yourself the ability to use the agent.
- In Step 3: Grant Access to Your SDR Agent on the Agentforce SDR Setup page, click the second Go to Permission Sets button next to the Assign User to Your SDR Agent.
- This opens the Permission Sets page for the Use Agentforce SDR agent. Click Add Assignments.
- Select the checkbox next to your name (note: This is your username, not the SDR Agent user), click Assign, and click Done. You have now granted yourself the ability to use the agent. You can close this tab and return to the Agentforce SDR Setup tab.
Great job! Now you have Agentforce for Sales Development enabled in your playground. And you’ve created a user and granted the correct permissions to allow that user to create your first SDR agent. In the next step, we configure, activate, and test out your first agent.