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Learn About Wellbeing at Salesforce

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Articulate the importance of wellbeing in the workplace.
  • Describe the Camp B-Well wellbeing program.

Why Wellbeing in the Workplace Is So Important

The modern world is fast paced and demanding. To stay competitive, teams often focus on how much and how fast employees can deliver results—in other words, employee productivity. But there’s one crucial element of productivity that can be easy to overlook: employee wellbeing. 

Wellbeing noun | ˈwel-ˈbē-iŋ  the state of being happy, healthy, or prosperous.

Employee wellbeing is the very foundation of productivity, and a lack of attention to wellbeing can hurt your team or business more than you can imagine.

The Impact of Wellbeing

According to the Gallup Business Journal, employees who are physically and mentally thriving are 13% more likely to report excellent performance at work, have 41% lower healthcare expenses, and are 32% more likely to stay with a company. You can’t ignore those numbers!

Need more proof? Look no further than the Willis Towers Watson 2017/2018 Global Benefits Attitude Survey . The study says:

  • Employees who are in the poorest health report more than double the number of absences and more than 25% higher presenteeism (meaning they’re at work, but not focused).
  • They are also more than twice as likely to be disengaged from their jobs and almost three times as likely to experience high stress as those who are in very good health.

While low productivity is sure to hurt your bottom line, the impact on individual employees is one that deserves attention from every business leader. It’s critical now more than ever with these health issues on the rise. 

What makes these numbers especially disheartening is that a nutritious diet and regular exercise can prevent or treat most of these harmful diseases. It’s a simple formula, but many people don’t feel like they can spare the time in their busy lives to eat right and focus on their health.

You might be able to relate or know of someone in this situation. Have you or someone you know ever filled the day with work and errands, and then are so exhausted that you grab take out for dinner and skip a workout? And how often are you able to squeeze in better sleep or meditation? 

When we neglect our personal wellbeing, our health, happiness, and work are all impacted. But together, as individuals and businesses, we can put the programs and resources in place to help one another build resilience, find help when we need it, and devote time to our overall wellbeing.   

While lower costs and higher productivity make good business sense at the end of the day, Salesforce believes pursuing employee wellbeing is just the right thing to do. 

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"At Salesforce, weaving wellbeing into our global benefits strategy and our company culture is a vital part of how we think about employee benefits in a holistic way. Employees and their families should feel supported to lead a healthier life no matter where they are in their personal health journey. We offer a wide range of programs to enable this and view these investments as having a tangible return both financially and in improving overall employee engagement." - Stan Dunlap, EVP, Global Total Rewards

Welcome to Camp B-Well, Salesforce’s Wellbeing Headquarters

At Salesforce we know that to take care of our customers and do our best work, we must first take care of ourselves. Happy and healthy employees are not only engaged and productive, but are also more creative and innovative, something that is key to being Trailblazers.

That’s why we introduced Camp B-Well, our headquarters for wellbeing.

Campers standing in front of the Camp B-Well lodge.

Camp B-Well is a virtual place that provides Salesforce employees with access to benefits, resources, and support to help them live well every day, in every way.

From a dedicated Day of Mindfulness to help folks find their focus, to year-round wellbeing events featuring speakers like chef, author, and food activist Alice Waters and renowned adventurer Bear Grylls, Camp B-Well offers lots of ways for employees to get involved. 

It’s important to us that we make these wellbeing resources available but not mandatory. The goal of Camp B-Well is to make wellbeing fun, accessible, and give employees permission to explore. Experiences are for employees to own, choosing the activities and adventures that are right for them, at every stage of their lives. And whatever their journey, the global community will be right by their side—supporting, learning, growing, and living B-Well.

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"It's been a thrill to watch Camp B-Well become reality, because it represents a culmination of our efforts to give employees what they need to live their happiest, healthiest life. We already know the power of an engaged employee. But a happy and healthy employee? Now, that's a positive impact—to not only the employee, but our company culture and bottom line." - Jody Kohner, SVP, Employee Engagement

One Camp B-Well offering that Salesforce makes available to everyone is a video series called B-Well Together: Wellbeing Breaks. This series provides thought leadership, tips, and resources from wellbeing experts to support you and your families. Take a look at this video about optimism for the future.


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