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Configure Your Site and Permissions

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Configure your site for Tableau Pulse.
  • Turn on Tableau AI for a site.
  • Manage permissions for metrics in Tableau Pulse.


The configuration steps in this unit must be completed by a Tableau administrator.

Configure Your Site for Tableau Pulse

Before you and your users can start using Tableau Pulse, you or your admin need to confirm and set up a few things.

  • Deploy Tableau Pulse.
  • Verify that there are published data sources on your site and that users can access them to create and view metrics.
  • Connect your Tableau site with Slack if you want your users to receive Tableau Pulse digests in Slack. For more information, see Integrate Tableau with a Slack Workspace.
  • Turn on Tableau AI if you want your users to see personalized insight summaries.

Deploy Tableau Pulse for Your Site

The site setting to deploy Tableau Pulse is off by default. When you deploy Tableau Pulse, you can choose to turn it on for a single group of users or for all users on your site. You might want to turn on Tableau Pulse for a single group so that a subset of users can evaluate it before you make it available to your entire organization.

To deploy Tableau Pulse, visit the settings page for your site.

  1. From the main Tableau Cloud navigation menu, select Settings.
  2. Under Tableau Pulse Deployment, select Turn on Tableau Pulse.
  3. Choose whether to turn on Tableau Pulse for all users or for a specified group.
  4. If you choose to limit Tableau Pulse to a group, select the group.
  5. Select Save.

What Is Tableau AI?

Tableau Pulse uses Tableau AI to provide users with personalized summaries of insights for the metrics they follow. Tableau AI is used purely to improve the natural language of these summaries. The data insights that Tableau Pulse finds are grounded in the same types of statistical modeling that Tableau uses to analyze data in the traditional Tableau viz authoring experience.

Tableau Pulse doesn’t use your site’s data to train Tableau AI. As soon as Tableau AI processes a prompt to generate an insights summary, the prompt and the response are forgotten. Your data isn’t stored outside of Tableau, and the only data that Tableau AI collects is the voluntary feedback that users can submit about their insights summaries.

Turn on Tableau AI

Tableau AI is turned off for your Tableau site by default. Turn on Tableau AI so your users can see their personalized insights summaries and get a quick overview of important changes to their metrics.

  1. From the main Tableau Cloud navigation menu, select Settings.
  2. Under Availability of Tableau AI, select Enable Tableau Pulse Insight Summaries to use generative AI to summarize key metric insights using natural language.
  3. Select Save.

Manage Permissions for Metrics

There are no permissions for you to set in Tableau Pulse. Users access Tableau Pulse from the Tableau Cloud navigation menu, but the metrics in Tableau Pulse aren’t integrated into the project content hierarchy in Tableau Cloud or governed by project-based permissions. The ability to create or see metrics is based on permission to connect to and access data in a data source. The data users see when viewing a metric respect row-level security applied to the data source.

Create Metrics

Users with the following site roles can create metric definitions in Tableau Pulse:

  • Creator
  • Site Administrator Explorer
  • Explorer (can publish)

To create a metric definition from a published data source, the user must have the Connect permission capability for the data source. For more information about permissions, see Permissions, Site Roles, and Licenses.

View Metrics

Any user can open a metric, but the ability to see the metric data depends on access to the data in the data source that the metric is connected to. Tableau Pulse doesn’t prompt users to sign in to the database or data connection for the data source. Instead, one of the following must be true for the user to see the metric data.

  • The credentials for the data source are embedded. For information about embedded credentials, see Set Credentials for Accessing Your Published Data.
  • The user’s credentials are passed to the data source with single sign-on.
  • The user’s credentials are saved for the data source.
  • The data source doesn't require the user to authenticate to access the data.


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