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Review Promotion Performance

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Describe how to access the Promotions Detail dashboard.
  • List three reasons to use the Promotions Detail dashboard.
  • Describe how the dashboard metrics show promotion performance.
  • Explain how to apply Promotions Detail dashboard metrics to a use case solution.

Explore the Promotions Detail Dashboard

The B2C Commerce Promotions Detail dashboard provides Brandon Wilson, Cloud Kicks senior merchandiser, with a single source to access, monitor, and analyze a promotion’s performance metrics. 

Tables, Graphs, and Metrics 

Brandon can use the dashboard to review the following performance areas and metrics for a promotion.

Promotions Detail Dashboard

This table describes the Promotions Detail dashboard tables and graphs.

Table or Graph Description

Promotion Overview (1)

Promotions Detail Summary

This provides a summary of the promotion and key metrics:

  • Promotion Class
  • Site where promotion is configured
  • Uses
  • # of orders
  • # of units
  • Average Unit Price
  • Average Discount

Total Promotion Discount (2)

Total Promotions Discount Graph

This line graph plots the daily total promotion discount applied to orders by this promotion for the selected time period. 

  • To see the daily total, roll over the plot line at date intervals.

Use the graph to review the daily promotion discount and to look for discount trends. For example, identify days of the week or select periods when the discount is high or low. Compare the discount total for a selected time period with the metrics in the Revenue Impact graph.

Co-Promotion Frequency (3)

Co-promotion Frequency Table

Some orders may have more than one promotion applied. This table lists the top five promotions used with the displayed promotion. Co-promotions are listed, in descending order, by the frequency with which they are used with the promotion under review.

  • To review a co-promotion in the Promotions Detail dashboard, click the co-promotion ID.

Use the table to identify expected co-promotions results. For example, if promotion 1 is intended to be paired with promotion 2, look for promotion 2 to have a high frequency of co-promotion use. 

Revenue Impact (4)

Revenue Impact Graph

This graph plots the amount of revenue attributed to the promotion over the selected time period. The graph also shows the total revenue and the average daily revenue for the time period.

  • To see the daily total revenue impact, roll over the plot line at date intervals.

When a product is discounted by more than one promotion, the revenue impact from that product is split between the promotions.

Use the graph to review revenue generated by the promotion and compare it with the total promotion discount. Look for revenue trends and expected revenue performance during the time period, for example, during the holidays for a holiday promotion. 

Top Products Using the Promotion (5)

Top Products Using The Promotion Table

This table ranks the top five products purchased using the promotion. For each listed product, the table shows the number of units sold, the revenue generated, and the discount given.

Review the list for products you expect shoppers to purchase with the promotion. If promoting specific products, see which product sales are influenced by the promotion. For example, you’re running a promotion that applies to several different products. Use the ranking in this report to determine which product sales benefit most from the promotion.

Average Promotion Discount (6)

The graph plots, over the selected time period, the average promotion discount applied per order.

  • To see the daily average discount, roll over the plot line at date intervals.

Use the average and the plot points to track the impact the promotion has on average order value.

This table describes the Promotions detail dashboard metrics.

Metric Description


The number of times a promotion applies a discount to orders

If a promotion allows for more than one application in an order, the reported uses can include multiple applications of that promotion in a single order.

For example, a product class promotion counts for two uses in a single order when the order contains two different products that are both discounted by the promotion. If the two products are the same SKU, and they appear in the order as the same line item, the promotion is only applied to the line item, and is reported as one use.

Number of Orders

The number of orders that received a discount from the promotion

Number of Units

The number of units discounted by the promotion 

The number of units for Product class promotions is the sum of the units to which the promotion is applied. The number of units for order and shipping class promotions is the sum of all units in the order to which the promotion is applied.

Average Unit Revenue

The average generated revenue per unit, calculated as: Revenue Impact / Number of Units.

Average Unit Discount

The average unit discount applied by the promotion, calculated as: Total Promotion Discount / Number of Units

Total Promotion Discount

The total sum of discount applied by the promotion to all orders

Average Promotion Discount

The average daily discount applied by the promotion to orders, calculated as: Total Promotion Discount / Number of Days in Selected Time Period

Top Products Using the Promotion

The products that are most often discounted by the promotion

  • Product Class Promotions
    Reports the products and services to which the promotion is most often applied.
  • Order and Shipping Class Promotions
    Reports the product and services most often included in orders to which the promotion is applied.

Co-Promotion Frequency

The percentage of orders to which the promotion and the second (listed) promotion was applied

Revenue Impact

The total value of the merchandise discounted by the promotion 

Product class promotions take only the merchandise value of the products they are applied to. Order and shipping class promotions take the total merchandise value of the order.

When multiple promotions are applied to an order, the value of the affected merchandise is prorated uniformly between those promotions, ensuring the same revenue is not attributed to more than one promotion.

Evaluate Promotions Detail Metrics

Today, Brandon is assessing the performance of the Happy Trails promotions campaign. The campaign promotes the new Soft Rock trail-running shoes. Earlier, for his initial analysis, Brandon reviewed the All promotions dashboard. Now he wants to take a closer look at the 15% Order promotion. The promotion offers 15% off an order for orders that include Soft Rock shoes and at least one of a select group of running accessories. Brandon wants to see the running accessories that shoppers purchase with the promotion, the units sold, and the associated revenue. He’s also interested in the promotion’s revenue impact. Brandon can use the Promotions Detail dashboard to find these metrics.

Launch the Promotions Detail Dashboard

If you have access to an instance of B2C Commerce Report & Dashboards, you can try out these steps in your instance.

Here’s how to launch the Promotions Detail dashboard.

1. From the All Promotions dashboard, locate the Most Used Promotions table and click the promotion you want to display in the Promotions Detail dashboard


If you know the promotion name or ID, you can use the Dashboard search field to search for the promotion.

2. Set the dashboard filters as desired.

Brandon launches the Promotions Detail dashboard for the 15% Order promotion, and sets the date to the previous week.

Review Dashboard Metrics 

Brandon reviews the dashboard, and the following metrics capture his attention.

Top Products Table

  • The women’s and men’s Quick Dry Running T-Shirts are the number 3 and 4 ranked products using the promotion (1). To encourage Soft Rock sales and sell off last year’s inventory, Brandon included the popular T-shirts as part of the promotion’s running accessories qualifiers. Looks like a double win for Brandon.
  • For the time period, the sales of T-shirts to shoes (2) is almost 3:1. Wow! That means most shoppers added more than one T-shirt to their orders. Since the Soft Rock is a required promotion qualifier, and must be part of every order, Brandon knows that the T-shirts are not only outselling the Soft Rock in units sold, but he suspects they’re driving the success of the promotion.
  • The Even Stride running shorts are not ranked as a product using the promotion. Brandon added the Even Stride shorts as a running accessory qualifier, because he expected sales similar to that of the T-shirts. Later, he can review the Product and Sales dashboards metrics to see if he missed a critical sales trend.
  • Revenue Impact for the promotions is strong and within the target set for the promotion. The metrics do show a midweek downturn, but they rebound as the weekend approaches. Overall, Brandon is pleased with the results. The revenue shows that the promotion is carrying the campaign. He makes a note to consult with marketing about sending a midweek email to boost use of the promotion on weekdays.

Revenue Impact Graph

The metrics from the Promotion Details dashboard underscore what Brandon suspected from the All Promotions dashboard metrics—that the promotion is performing well, and better than expected, especially in promoting Soft Rock purchases with the popular running accessories combination.

Next Steps

Brandan’s next step is to use the Promotions Detail dashboard to review the other Happy Trails campaign promotions. The more knowledge he has about individual promotion performance, the better his promotion strategy modifications.

In this unit, you learned that the Promotions Detail dashboard is where you can monitor and analyze metrics that gauge the performance of a specific promotion. You also learned how to read the dashboard’s table and graphs and how to use the dashboard metrics to analyze the performance of an individual promotion.


Quiz Scenario

Brandon continues his performance review of the Happy Trails campaign promotions. He uses the Promotions Detail dashboard to review the 25% Loyalty promotion.

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