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Use Pardot Sandboxes

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Describe what Sandboxes for Pardot are and how they work.
  • Explain the benefits of using a Developer Sandbox for Pardot.

What Are Sandboxes for Pardot?

Sandboxes for Pardot are test versions of a Pardot Business Unit provisioned within a Salesforce sandbox. Test changes and customizations in your Pardot Business Unit sandbox before you implement them in production.


For the best experience and access to the latest features, we strongly recommend using the Pardot Lightning app.

Who Has Access to Sandboxes for Pardot?

Sandboxes for Pardot are included in Pardot Advanced and Premium editions, and as a paid add-on for Pardot Plus edition. Pardot Plus customers who also have Salesforce Sandbox can buy Pardot Sandboxes as an add-on as well. Pardot Advanced customers can create up to two sandboxes, and Pardot Premium customers can create up to five at no additional cost.

What Can You Test?

Pardot sandboxes are great for training new employees and testing high-stakes configuration changes. Here are some examples of things to test in a sandbox environment before making changes in production.

  • Newly released features or feature updates
  • New or updated Marketing Data Sharing rules
  • Prospect field sync behavior
  • Salesforce-Pardot connector upgrades
  • New or updated automations rules or completion actions
  • User access changes

After you’ve tested your changes, use your sandbox as a blueprint to manually re-create them in your production business unit.

There are a few things you can’t test in a Pardot sandbox.

  • B2B Marketing Analytics
  • Salesforce Engage
  • Email sends, previews, and tests

Try Sandboxes for Pardot

You don’t have to have a use case in mind right away. If you’re a Pardot Advanced or Premium customer with a verified Salesforce connector, create a Pardot sandbox and explore how it can be useful to you. You configure it the same way that you configure a new business unit in production. In Setup for your Salesforce sandbox, navigate to the Pardot Setup Home section to provision a new sandbox business unit and assign an admin to complete the activation process.

After the admin activates your sandbox business unit and sets it up to match your production business unit, your team can begin testing changes. When you’re happy with your tests in the sandbox, re-create that change in your production business unit. 

That’s it! Now your team can make big changes with confidence.


Safely test new features and high-stakes configuration changes with Sandboxes for Pardot before you implement them in production. Sandboxes are available to customers with Pardot Advanced or Premium editions.


  • 为您的职业目标获取个性化推荐
  • 通过实践挑战和测验练习您的技能
  • 跟踪并与雇主分享您的进度
  • 与人联系以获取指导和就业机会