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Create a Type Ahead Block Element

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Describe how a Type Ahead Block works.
  • Configure a Type Ahead Block.
  • Enhance the Type Ahead UI and UX.

How Does a Type Ahead Block Work?

If you’ve ever started typing in an input field and selected a record from the list of results that appears, you’ve experienced type-ahead functionality. In an OmniScript, you can add this functionality with a Type Ahead Block. So what does this function look like in your OmniScript? When a user enters letters in the contact name search field, the Type Ahead Block presents a list of contacts linked to the account, speeding up the change to a new primary contact. 

The end user’s experience of a Type Ahead in an OmniScript

This special Type Ahead Block element works with a data element inside the Block and its data source. In that data element, you define which search parameters the Type Ahead Block uses and also what information is sent to the data source. 

With a Type Ahead Block, you can display more than simply the results of the search term. It’s easy to add related fields to the Block and configure the data source to pull in additional data that can be helpful for the user. This means that when people search for and select a contact by name, your OmniScript will show them not only the contact’s name, but also their email address, and if it’s added, a phone number. Pretty neat!

You have multiple data choices for Type Ahead data elements.

  • Omnistudio Data Mapper Turbo Action
  • Omnistudio Data Mapper Extract Action
  • HTTP Action
  • Remote Action
  • Integration Procedure
  • JSON Data
  • Google Maps Auto Complete

Because you are pulling contact information from Salesforce, you decide to use a Omnistudio Data Mapper Extract Action element (with an Omnistudio Data Mapper Extract) to work with your Type Ahead Block. How do you make the magic happen? Start by getting the properties right.

Configure Your Type Ahead Block

To ensure your Type Ahead Block works seamlessly, add two input parameters to the Block’s Omnistudio Data Mapper Extract Action element. Input parameters consist of a data source and a filter value. 

How a Type Ahead Block works

If you want the Omnistudio Data Mapper to only look for contacts associated with an account, you limit the context to a particular account. The best way to identify an account is the AccountId (1). (Fortunately, this is already in your OmniScript’s JSON.) You also need to add a second parameter to define what is being used to conduct the search. The data source is what the end user types into the Type Ahead field and the filter value is LookupKey (2).

The Omnistudio Data Mapper is your data source—the one that searches for matches to the parameter. Make sure it links the LookupKey to the appropriate field on the Object. Here, you are using the Contact Name (3). It’s also important to specify in the Output JSON Path how to identify the key in the JSON the Omnistudio Data Mapper sends back to the OmniScript. Here, you are using ChangeContactNameKey (4) to accomplish this.

After you set up the Omnistudio Data Mapper, configure the Type Ahead Block properties to link back to the Omnistudio Data Mapper. This ties all of the parts together! In the properties panel of the Type Ahead Block, fill in the Typeahead Key field with the name of the key, using the exact match for what was defined in the Omnistudio Data Mapper Output JSON Path (4). To prevent typos, copy the name from the JSON in the Response node from the Action Debugger. Now you’ve configured your Type Ahead Block with the properties it needs to operate without a hitch.

Next, you have some decisions to make that greatly enhance the UI and UX for the end user. The first decision is a question of UX.

Use Element Properties to Enhance Type Ahead UI and UX

By default, the Type Ahead Block only displays the search field. What does this have to do with UX? If you add additional fields to the Block, these do not automatically display unless the end user clicks the edit button (a pencil icon). 

The edit button in the Type Ahead Block

Clicking the edit button activates edit mode, which displays all of the fields—no more additional clicks to view data!

Type Ahead Block in edit mode with all fields displayed

The second decision to make is whether or not you want to let end users create new contacts from the Type Ahead search field. The default setting is to let this happen. However, because your OmniScript has a separate branch to create a new primary contact, it makes sense to remove this.

All of your Blocks are now ready to go! In the next unit, you’ll learn what it takes to make sure your OmniScripts are error-free.

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